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Black tea Jiuqu red plum aroma taste characteristics and efficacy taboo and function what grade in Jiuqu red plum

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Jiuqu Hongmei is a kind of Chinese black tea and a kind of Kungfu Tea, which is produced in Xihu, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, which is also the hometown of Longjing tea. The tea of Jiuqu Hongmei is as red as red plum, so it is called Jiuqu Hongmei. Nine zigzag means zigzag, is the name of a stream; red means red; beauty means plum. Jiuqu Hongmei is the only black tea among 28 kinds of famous teas in Zhejiang Province. Jiuqu Hongmei and Longjing

Jiuqu Hongmei is a kind of Chinese black tea and a kind of Kungfu Tea, which is produced in Xihu, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, which is also the hometown of Longjing tea.

The tea of Jiuqu Hongmei is as red as red plum, so it is called Jiuqu Hongmei. Jiuqu means "zigzag", which is the name of a stream; red means "red"; beauty means "plum".

Jiuqu Hongmei is the only black tea among 28 kinds of famous teas in Zhejiang Province. Jiuqu red plum and Longjing are also known as "one green and one red" or "jadeite (Longjing tea) agate (Jiuqu Hongmei)".

1. The History of Jiuqu Hongmei

Jiuqu red plum tea has a history of nearly 200 years. It became famous more than 100 years ago. As early as 1886, it won the gold medal of the Panamanian World Expo.

In theory, Jiuqu Hongmei originated in Jiuqu Creek in Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province, where black tea is rich. In the 1850s, some tea farmers in Wuyi Mountain migrated to Zhejiang.

When they settled down near the West Lake, they began to grow and make tea. Because they are good at making tea, Jiuqu Hongmei was born.

In memory of their hometown, there is a stream called Jiuqu Creek. Because the color of tea is similar to that of red plum, they named it Jiuqu Hongmei. Later, Jiuqu Hongmei was very famous in Hangzhou and was favored by tea merchants.

Unfortunately, with the outbreak of the war, the tea garden was abandoned and Jiuqu red plum began to decline. After the 1960s, as China's economy began to recover, local farmers began to organize the restoration of tea gardens, and the production of zigzag red plum began to recover gradually.

The local government attaches great importance to tea production. While registering the trademark of "Jiuqu Hongmei" in 2000, the influence of Jiuqu Hongmei was expanded by means of holding competitions, participating in evaluation and media publicity, so that Jiuqu Hongmei developed rapidly.

two。 Characteristics of Jiuqu Hongmei

Jiuqu Hongmei mainly grows in the towns and mountains around the West Lake. The climate here is warm, humid and foggy, which is very suitable for the growth of tea trees.

The sandy soil is deep and fertile and has good permeability. This unique ecological environment is very conducive to the formation and accumulation of amino acids, proteins and aromatic substances in tea.

The picking time of Jiuqu Hongmei is around Grain Rain (April 19-21). It is made by withering, rolling, fermentation and drying (baking).

The finished Jiuqu red plum tea is thin and tight in shape, curled in the shape of a fish hook and reddish brown in color. After brewing, there is a strong fragrance, similar to that of orchids, honey or pine smoke.

The tea is as red as red plum and has a mellow taste. The tea leaves are brown.

There is a famous rose tea called Jiuqu Rose Black Tea, which is a mixture of Jiuqu red plum and rose. It is very suitable for women.

3. The efficacy and function of Jiuqu Hongmei

Jiuqu red plum is a kind of black tea and a kind of fermented tea, which is rich in theaflavins and lycopene. Theaflavins can prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce blood lipids. Lycopene has the effect of antioxidation.

In addition, Jiuqu Hongmei is rich in amino acids, proteins, trace elements and vitamins, which has many health benefits.

Here are the main benefits of Jiuqu red plum:





Nourishing the stomach

Reduce blood lipid

Reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease

Anti-inflammation and sterilization