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What are the kinds of famous black tea in China and where the black tea from which origin is more famous and delicious?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Chinese black tea is one of the six major teas in China and the second largest among the six teas with a history of more than 400 years. Black tea is a kind of fermented tea, which is made from suitable fresh tea after a series of processes such as withering, rolling, fermentation, drying and so on. In the process of producing black tea, there are many chemical reactions centered on the enzymatic oxidation of tea polyphenols. The chemical composition of fresh leaves changed greatly.

Chinese black tea is one of the six major tea categories in China, the second largest tea category among the six major tea categories, with a history of more than 400 years.

Black tea is a fermented tea, which is made from suitable fresh tea leaves through a series of processes such as withering, rolling, fermentation and drying.

In the process of producing black tea, there are many chemical reactions centered on the enzymatic oxidation of tea polyphenols. The chemical composition of fresh leaves varied greatly.

Tea polyphenols were reduced by more than 90 percent, producing new ingredients such as theaflavins and thearubigins. Aromatic substances increased significantly compared to fresh leaves. Therefore, black tea has the characteristics of red leaves, red soup and sweet taste.

"Black tea" is just a general term. It contains many varieties and can be divided into three main types according to the production process and production area in China:

zhengshan small black tea

Kung Fu Black Tea

red broken tea

1. zhengshan small black tea

Zhengshan small seed black tea is the earliest black tea in China. It was born in the late Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644), produced in Wuyishan, a national nature reserve in Fujian Province.

The species was introduced into Europe in 1610. When Princess Catherine of Portugal married Charles II in 1662, her dowry included boxes of Zhengshan small seed black tea. From then on, black tea was introduced into Britain, and drinking black tea soon became an indispensable part of British royal life.

In the early London tea market, Zhengshan race sold only black tea, which was extremely expensive. Only rich people drink it. Later, Zhengshan seed became an indispensable drink in British upper class. The British love black tea and gradually make it a noble black tea culture.

In 1689, British tea merchants established tea bases in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China, and purchased a large number of Zhengshan races, replacing the original green tea market and soon becoming the mainstream of tea in Western Europe.

Historically,"Wuyi tea" refers to Zhengshan small black tea, which is the symbol of Chinese tea at that time.

2. Kung Fu Black Tea

Kungfu black tea is a kind of black tea unique to China and a traditional export commodity. At present, 19 provinces in China produce tea, 12 of which produce kung fu tea.

Kung Fu tea is called "kung fu" because it requires a more complex process or work to produce.

There are mainly the following types of Kung Fu black tea:

[Qimen Black Tea]

Qimen tea, also known as Qimen Kungfu tea or Qihong, is produced in Qimen County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province. Qimen County is famous for its black tea.

Qimen tea is one of the best black teas and enjoys a high reputation. Historically, it has been the favorite drink of the Queen and the Royal Family. It is also known as "the most fragrant tea" and "the queen of black tea".

[Yunnan Black Tea]

Yunnan black tea, also known as Yunnan kungfu tea or Yunnan black tea, produced in Yunnan. Dian is the abbreviation form of Yunnan.

Yunnan black tea was first invented in the early 20th century and is made from fresh leaves of a special tea plant in Yunnan. After brewing Yunnan black tea, the tea soup is ruddy in color, rich in flavor and fresh in taste. With its excellent quality, it is highly praised by tea experts at home and abroad.

[Ning Black Tea]

Ning black tea is one of the earliest kungfu teas in China. It is produced in Xiushui County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Ning black tea is famous for its unique style and excellent quality. Historically, it has been praised by tea merchants in Britain, the United States, Germany, Russia, Poland and other countries.

[Bai Lin Kung Fu Tea]

Bailin kungfu tea was popular in the 1850s. When Bailin County, Fuding City, Fujian Province, operated kung fu tea, Bailin County was a distribution center, and Bailin kung fu tea was sold abroad. Bailin kungfu is famous for it.

[Lake Black Tea]

Lake red kungfu tea, also known as Hunan black tea, produced in Hunan Province. Hunan famous black tea is Anhua black tea, produced in Hunan Anhua County.

Other Kung Fu Black Tea:

Fuliang kungfu tea, produced in jiangxi.

Yihong kungfu tea, produced in hubei.

Fujian red kungfu tea, produced in Fujian.

The most famous kungfu teas are qimen tea and yunnan black tea.

In addition, according to the size of tea leaves, kung fu tea can also be divided into small leaf kung fu tea and big leaf kung fu tea. Xiaoye kungfu tea is made from the fresh leaves of the shrub tea plant. Big leaf kungfu tea is made from fresh leaves of arborous-type tea trees.

Qimen tea belongs to lobular kungfu tea. Yunnan black tea belongs to big leaf kungfu tea.

3. red broken tea

Crushed black tea is a broken or granulated black tea that has been produced for more than 100 years. It is the main product in the international tea market, accounting for about 80% of global tea exports.

Broken black tea is chopped black tea, ordinary black tea packed in tea bags. It requires one more process called "cutting" or "cutting" than the two black teas mentioned above to produce. Yunnan black tea can be processed into Yunnan red broken black tea.

According to the shape of the finished product, it can also be subdivided into four kinds of black tea:

whole leaf

tatter leaf

tea dust

tea powder

Crushed red tea can be brewed with honey and milk because it is small and easy to mix with other ingredients.