Coffee review

The operation error of the happy tea clerk leads to the admission of customers to gastric lavage. The food safety problem of new tea Brooks no delay.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today, the new tea brand "Xi Cha" has become the focus of attention. According to several media reports, a clerk in "Xi Cha" gave the wrong drink to the customer, resulting in emergency gastric lavage. Here's what happened: at 16:11 on August 29th, Ms. Chen placed an order for two drinks at the happy tea WeChat Mini Programs, one with a bottle of double-fried carambola, and the other with roasted black sugar Bobo.

Today, the new tea brand "Xi Cha" has become the focus of attention.

According to several media reports, a clerk in "Xi Cha" gave the wrong drink to the customer, resulting in emergency gastric lavage.

Here's the thing:

At 16:11 on August 29th, Ms. Chen placed an order for two drinks at WeChat Mini Programs, one with a bottle of double-fried carambola carambola and the other with roasted black sugar bobo milk tea.

At about 16: 37 minutes, Ms. Chen went to Xi Tea Shanghai Nanxiang impression City Store (located on the first floor of the mall). Unexpectedly, in the process of picking up tea, the Xi Tea clerk mistakenly sold the simulated samples displayed in the store to Ms. Chen.

On the day of the incident, Ms. Chen found the word "sample" on the bottle after drinking it, so she immediately consulted the Xi tea clerk and went to the hospital emergency department to see a doctor.

During this period, the Xi Tea clerk has been unable to provide Ms. Chen with the exact composition of the "sample".

It was not until the time of consultation that the liquid in the sample was reported as "n-hexane" and non-toxic.

However, Baidu data show that n-hexane is colorless, has a weak special smell, volatile liquid, if not used properly, it is very easy to cause poisoning.

Because it was not possible to determine whether the composition of the sample was toxic, for safety reasons, Ms. Chen underwent a gastric lavage examination on the advice of her doctor at around 20:00 on August 29th.

As for the liquid composition in the simulation sample, the store also changed its mouth several times, and that night, Xi Tea staff said: after oral communication with the supplier, they indicated that the composition of the sample was not "n-hexane", but other two compounds, but could not provide written materials.

Xi Cha said: Xi Cha is willing to bear all the relevant medical expenses of Ms. Chen at present and in the future, and hopes to compensate Ms. Chen with the utmost sincerity to express her apology.

What is worth paying attention to is, what exactly is the liquid in the simulation sample since the incident? Xicha has yet to provide a specific written inspection report.

According to media reports, on September 1, Ms. Chen revealed to the reporter and sent a screenshot of her text message with the person in charge of Xicha.

According to chat records, a Miss Chen, who claimed to be the person in charge of Xicha Tea, told Ms. Chen in a text message that the content of the sample pomelo bottle was "liquid silica gel" and said it "does not contain toxic and harmful substances."

On September 3, the relevant reporter repeatedly called Miss Chen, the person in charge of the above-mentioned tea, which was directly pressed by the other party.

In addition, Ms. Chen called the 12315 hotline and received a call from the Food and Drug Administration hoping to mediate, but Xicha refused to provide a written test report. finally, after reaching an agreement, the two sides decided to find a third party approved by both sides to test the composition of the sample first.

This is the whole story. Although Xicha has a good attitude after the event, it is confusing to submit different chemical reports three times.

For consumers, food safety is the most important. The random placement of industrial supplies with unidentifiable ingredients is in fact a lack of attention to the safety of consumers. According to relevant news, Xi Tea has been removed from all stores across the country to display props.

As one of the representatives of the new tea brand, I still hope that Xicha can strengthen the operation and management of the store.