Coffee review

Is it good to set up a stall in the trunk of the car to sell coffee? Is the mobile coffee car legal? what documents do you need in China?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In January this year, after two post-90s boys flexibly used the car back-up to move the cafe into the trunk of the car to sell coffee, there were media reports: a post-00s guy used the car trunk to set up a stall to sell coffee! A sophomore boy set up a coffee stall in the trunk of his car and attracted the attention of many netizens, according to the official Weibo report of the litchi starting line. According to the short video, the sophomore boy's name is Wu Si.

After two post-90s guys moved the cafe into the trunk of the car to sell coffee flexibly in January this year, there were media reports: A post-00 guy sold coffee with a car trunk stall!!

A sophomore selling coffee in the trunk of his car has attracted attention from netizens, according to Litchi's official Weibo account.

According to the introduction of Short Video, the sophomore boy named Wu Siyuan, from Huai 'an, Jiangsu Province, is a sophomore student of Jiangsu Electronic Information Vocational College. His usual hobby is to make coffee, so he began to drive a stall selling coffee in May this year.

In addition, Shandong Business Daily's Shanhai Video official micro blog reported that because the demand for coffee at home is not particularly large, plus he (Wu Siyuan himself) likes to make coffee for others to drink, so he opened an SUV to sell coffee.

The SUV cafe also has four drinks to choose from, such as American, latte, coconut coffee and small coffee beer.

At the price, about 10-20 yuan, a day can generally earn about one or two hundred, although the money earned not much, but he said he was very happy.

As for why he chose to sell coffee in the trunk of his car, he thought it was one of the ways to spread coffee. He also said that although he was questioned and maliciously commented on this matter, he also received a lot of encouragement, which also made him more determined, and it was a happy thing for him to accumulate some social experience and make more friends by turning his hobby into a way of contacting society.

In fact, until now, there have been many examples of "moving coffee shops into car trunks to sell coffee" in the past, and most of these types of baristas have also conveyed the voice of "being a mobile barista can also be very happy".

In January of this year, two cousins from Urumqi, Xinjiang, gave up their original jobs because they wanted to change their way of life, and chose #Trunk Startup "Trunk Cafe"#, which would not cost too much, hoping to let everyone experience different coffee cultures through mobile forms.

In February of this year, a post-90s guy in Tianjin also used a car to transform a mobile cafe,"Zahidler Coffee Shop."

Interestingly, because the "Zahidler Coffee Shop" is open on the mountain, there is often no signal, and most customers use mobile phones to pay, and in the case of mobile phones that cannot be paid without network, the store will post a "no network credit" sign.

In addition, coffee industry tycoons Starbucks and Ruixing Coffee have also launched types of mobile coffee trucks.

In the automotive field, last May, Chevrolet built a "coffee shop in a car" after the launch of the auto show immediately attracted everyone's attention, and in September 9 to September 28, Chevrolet's "Volando Coffee Shop" opened again.

In fact, in the continuous breakthrough innovation today, want to be a barista, not only in the coffee shop this single scene, but also wide to be a "mobile barista"!

It is well known that most people choose barista because of their love for coffee. Similarly, baristas can't leave their feelings. Moving a cafe into the trunk of a car can sell coffee while traveling. It is also a romantic expression of feelings. At the same time, it breaks through the usual way of opening a physical cafe.

Unlike traditional cafes, the "mobile cafe/cafe into the trunk of the car" has a low cost and a relatively low threshold, and this novel way of setting up stalls can attract more consumers 'attention. In addition, this mobile coffee selling model represents more freedom and is a good choice for entrepreneurs.

However, it should be noted that preparing a physical coffee shop has too many complicated matters, and opening a "mobile coffee shop/moving the coffee shop into the trunk of the car" will also encounter many difficult problems.

For example, the space for mobile coffee carts is very limited, and the safety of water, electricity, coffee equipment and drinks is a top consideration (of course! The most important thing is! To have a car first haha), so, open a "mobile coffee shop/coffee shop into the trunk of the car", when a "mobile barista" seems to be a very romantic and emotional performance, in fact, it is not easy to do.


Whether it is to open a physical cafe or a mobile coffee cart, in the process of making coffee, what needs to be ensured is that drink safety must be in place. For merchants and consumers, drink safety is very important!

* Image source: Internet

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