Coffee review

What are the common hand-brewed coffee filter cups? The difference between V60 filter cup and cake filter cup _ v60 filter cup skill

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Frankly speaking, how many filter cups do you have? Won't all the salary be spent on the filter cup? Yeah? When I was a child, my husband taught: sharing is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Boy, let's come to Amway today to share six hand-brewed coffee filter cups with both appearance and functionality online. "the display Wall in the Cafe" many cafes make coffee in conspicuous places in the shop.

Frankly speaking, how many filter cups do you have? Won't all the salary be spent on the filter cup? Yeah?

When I was a child, my husband taught: sharing is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Boy, let's come to Amway today to share six "hand-brewed coffee filter cups with both appearance and functionality online".

"the display wall in the cafe."

Many cafes make a coffee display wall (or display cabinet) in a conspicuous place in the store. There will be several laminates on the wall, neatly arranged with colorful filter cups of different shapes, or displaying things related to coffee: cooked beans, raw beans, hanging ears or other coffee equipment.

And some will display some of the owner's "private wilderness": minority plants, joint Chao brand ornaments, or limited edition small toys, and so on, you may see. Once chatting with a friend, ta felt that this wall was similar to the corporate culture wall at the door of the company. No problem

"6 beloved little filter cups"

First: Origami origami filter cup

The Origami origami filter cup is designed by Yasuo Suzuki, one of the founders of TRUNK COFFEE BAR in Japan.

There are two reasons why this filter cup is recommended: first, because of its appearance. Hey, hey, yeah, I'm sure. Secondly, it is highly playable. Can make cone filter paper, can also make cake filter paper.

Buy a filter cup and experience two different cooking methods, which is great! isn't it?

* most of the beans are used by editors to cook shallow baked beans.

For example, Ethiopia Sakuran 5.0, hey.

Second: KONO filter cup

I wonder if you have noticed that the KONO filter cup has only 12 ribs, and the ribs are much lower than the V60 filter cup. The design of the ribs is arranged to stop at half the height of the filter cup.

The maker of the KONO filter cup is a Japanese named Toshio Kono. The filter cup is named after him.

* KONO filter cup, seldom used by editors recently

But the beans commonly used will be Blue Mountain or Manning!

The third: KALITA trapezoidal filter cup

"it feels good, looks clumsy, like a little fat man." Is the first impression of this filter cup.

It is a "immersion extraction" filter cup. The fan-shaped (trapezoidal) design with a wide top and a narrow bottom makes the top of the filter cup oval. The pore diameter of the lower filter hole is smaller, which slows down the speed of water flow and forms the effect of soaking.

Want to easily get coffee with high mellow thickness? A trapezoidal filter cup is the most appropriate.

Fourth: cake filter cup

The "cake filter cup" looks like the cup cake we often eat. The paper used is called cake filter paper (because it is shaped like cupcake paper), and the coffee is full and round.

I'm cake filter paper.

One coffee who spoke on condition of anonymity was a friend who described the filter cup, saying, "this is a filter cup that specializes in treating all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases such as uneven water injection, irregular water flow, incorrect circles and so on."

Fifth: cross star infinite filter cup

To tell you the truth, this filter cup has a very high fault tolerance rate, which is undoubtedly a boon to the novice white coffee who is not good at water control.

Very friendly.

The sixth: V60 filter cup

At the finale, I guess you should have guessed that I could count V60 filter cups.

The V60 is named after its conical design with a 60-degree angle. The data of 60 degrees is constantly verified by Hario. The 60-degree design allows water to flow to the center, prolonging the contact time between water and coffee. The coffee brewed with V60 filter cup has a richer taste!

This filter cup is the "enlightenment filter cup" of many people, and it can be said to be one of the tools for every beginner to brew coffee by hand.

* this is a filter cup beloved by editors, hehe.

"Summary and sharing at the end of three articles"

These 6 filter cups, regardless of appearance or function, can basically meet the operational needs of making coffee by hand.

Among them, V60 and Origami filter cups are more suitable for shallow baked beans with rich flower and fruit aromas. Such as Yega Xuefei, Kenya, Rose Summer, etc.

And KONO, KALITA ladder filter cup, cross star infinite filter cup this type of filter cup, relatively speaking, is more suitable for those beans that need to show thick taste, high sweetness and medium-deep baking! Such as Mantenin, Blue Mountain, Brazil and so on.

* Image source: Internet

I must have a rest after talking so much in one breath before I know it.

Ok, have you used all the six filter cups we talked about today?

How do you feel? What other filter cups are you using / the filter cups you have used are worth recommending?

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