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How is the flower and fruit aroma of black tea made? What kind of high-flavor Yunnan musk Yunnan black tea tastes good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The musk flavor of Yunnan black tea is not as strong as that of honey-scented black tea from Taiwan. Both teas exude a hint of musk grape flavor, enhancing the overall characteristics of the tea. In fact, when I was traveling in Yunnan in early April, I also found some black tea with a stronger musk grape flavor. However, tea

Yunnan Yunnan black tea has a musky flavor less intense than honey black tea from Taiwan. Both teas exude light musky grape flavours that enhance the overall character of the tea. In fact, when I traveled in Yunnan in early April, I also found some black teas that had a stronger musky grape flavor. However, the quality of tea leaves is generally inversely proportional to the intensity of the musky grape flavor. Tea with a stronger musky grape flavor is not as rich in taste as the one I chose. Tea with a strong musky grape flavor has a much lighter finish. Musk grape flavor is inversely related to tea quality I would like to explain how certain types of tea produce musk grape flavor. The substances that give musky grapes their flavor are called terpenes, which tea produces in response to insect attacks. Terpenes are usually present in the taste of fruit. Just as mosquitoes dislike the smell of citrus fruits, so too do many insects. During fermentation, tea tastes like honey or musky grapes due to moderate oxidation of terpenes. Naturally, insects are scarce in March, when the weather is still cold. In contrast, the number of insects increases in summer due to warm weather. As more insects attack the tea leaves, the musky grape flavor gets stronger. Ironically, the quality of tea leaves is inversely proportional. The earlier the tea is picked, the better the quality. Early-harvested teas have a stronger aftertaste, a fuller texture and a smoother taste, but with fewer pests, the musky grape has a milder flavor. Those who prefer a rich musky grape flavor may consider evening tea. I use the chart below to illustrate the relationship between the taste of musky grapes and the quality of tea. (Note: This chart is based on my assumptions and not on actual data)

In fact, musky grape flavored teas like Oriental Beauty and Darjeeling Erchong are mostly picked in June. As a result, these teas are a bit rough in the mouth, and it's likely you won't enjoy the soft, delicious taste. Musk grape flavor is not the primary criterion for choosing tea. I have a hard time deciding whether to emphasize musk grape flavor or basic quality. Even musk-based teas picked in April are good because they are naturally grown and have a strong aftertaste. However, once I tried the tea picked in March, the quality is extremely smooth, long aftertaste, I can not resist. Finally, I chose the March crop. Although the musky grape flavor is a bit light, I am pleased with the overall balance of quality. I always like tea that improves water quality. For your information, other factors that affect the intensity of musky grape flavor depend on the water used to brew the tea. Especially calcium content in water has great influence on flavor intensity. If you don't think musky grapes taste strong enough, consider choosing water with high calcium content. In addition, ripe tea is also a factor that increases the taste of musky grapes. Generally, if the tea leaves are kept under proper storage conditions for more than a year, the taste of musky grapes becomes stronger. We sell Yunnan black tea, Yunnan musk black tea and Yunnan ancient black tea now. The teas were made in March, when it was still cold. The main characteristic of these teas is their ability to improve water quality. After brewing, the water is very soft, clear, sweet aftertaste. The rich musk makes the tea very unique and has more character. However, as a daily tea, I like the taste of musky grapes in moderation.