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What is the difference between Qimen Milky Bud Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 and No.1 and No.2

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Qimen tea grading standard I often hear foreign tea drinkers say that they are easily confused by the rating of Qimen tea. Yes, this is a very complicated problem, and speculators often use it to deceive you. So, if you are a fan of Qimen tea, you'd better know something about Qimen tea. Qimen tea uses a unique grading method, rather than commonly used FOP, OP and other grading methods. And F

Qimen tea grading standard

I often hear foreign tea drinkers say that they are easily confused by Qimen tea's rating. Yes, this is a very complicated problem, and speculators often use it to deceive you. So, if you are a fan of Qimen tea, you'd better know something about Qimen tea. Qimen tea uses a unique grading method, rather than commonly used FOP, OP and other grading methods.

Different from FOP and OP, Qimen tea is mainly graded according to the size of tea (whole leaf, leaf, broken leaf and powder). The classification standard of Qimen tea is very complicated. Qimen tea can be divided into good bud A, good bud B, super grade and 1x 7 grade. The highest grade is Naoya A, and the lowest is Grade 7. In fact, it is the standard of quality inspection. I have given the chart below, covering only special levels, level 1 and level 5, for you to compare.

Through learning, you will find that grading is a delicate art that contains a large number of variables. In fact, tea tasters judge the quality of tea by their keen sense of sight, smell, touch and taste.

In fact, the work is subjective in nature and depends on the tea tasters' ability to record the nuances of Qimen tea. Knowing this, you will understand why even the same grade of tea is different. Before the transformation of China's state-owned enterprise system, Qimen tea was produced by only two state-owned enterprises, so a unified grading standard could be implemented. However, as more and more non-public enterprises enter the production of Qimen tea, the implementation of unified standards becomes more and more difficult. Therefore, the grade of Qimen tea can not guarantee its quality in many cases.