Coffee review

Why is the mobile coffee car so popular? can the mobile coffee car be done for a long time? do you make money by setting up stalls and selling coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Open a red book and search for "mobile coffee car". There are more than 7600 related notes. Conspicuously, for many people, "mobile coffee car" has become a small branch of the coffee industry. Today, we have another very interesting topic. Don't say much, let's first Kangkang first! According to the video introduction, in June this year, the post-95s young man drove himself along the Sichuan-Tibet line and exchanged coffee for goods.

Open a red book and search for "mobile coffee car". There are more than 7600 related notes. Conspicuously, for many people, "mobile coffee car" has become a small branch of the coffee industry.

Today, we have another very interesting topic.

Don't say much, let's first Kangkang first!


After 1995, the young man drove himself on the Sichuan-Tibet line to exchange coffee for goods.

According to the video, in June this year, Jiang, a post-1995 boy, drove a coffee car with his friends on National Highway 317. On this trip, they started from Chengdu, traveled through Israel to Lhasa, and then to Shangri-La and other places, covering a total distance of 4,000 kilometers.

Every time they go to a new location in a city, they prop up the trunk of the coffee cart and use it to bring them closer to the locals.

Why did you "drive a coffee cart to Sichuan and Tibet"? Jiang Yiyi, 26, said: he has been preparing for the "self-driving coffee car to Sichuan and Tibet" since November last year.

But as early as 2013, Jiang already had a unique experience of cycling from Kunming to Lhasa, so he wanted to experience it again in a different way, so he made the concept of "coffee car".

Interestingly, unlike most coffee trucks that go out for business, although Jiang also drives a coffee truck to set up a stall to sell coffee, he sells very little coffee (he delivers coffee).

According to the video, in the cities where he passes, he often invites people to drink coffee, and some customers who like to drink coffee will sit down and chat and introduce the local culture to him; some customers will exchange items with him for coffee.

Also because during the trip, Jiang's business mode is more to send coffee to the local people to drink than to sell coffee, so this "set up a stall to sell coffee" business does not make money or lose money.

Although the business of "setting up stalls and selling coffee" is his own money, he says that the value of resources is far greater than the expenses he has lost. For him, "setting up stalls and selling coffee" is more about witnessing the scenery along the way. He saw the scenery he had never seen before, and he thought it was worth it, and it could bring him closer to the local area more quickly.

At present, he has been to Xizang, Yunnan, Chongqing, Ningxia and Xinjiang in his coffee car.

Nowadays, mobile coffee carts have become one of the carriers to promote coffee culture, and it is not new to take coffee on the road, but the young man's way of operating is really eye-catching.

The story of using the car trunk to set up a stall to sell coffee, more information can be reviewed in this article: "want to be a barista, not just a coffee shop!" .


Different from the traditional coffee shop operation mode, the "mobile coffee car" allows the shopkeeper to travel while running coffee, which is relatively free, which sounds very fashionable and free and easy. But! It should be noted that moving the cafe into the trunk of the car is not as easy as most people think. For example, the most important and first consideration is that the early investment may not be earned later!

* Image source: Internet

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