Coffee review

Suggestion on brewing parameters of peppermint coffee in Stonehenge Manor in Bronka, Costa Rica

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The boutique coffee beans from the famous Costa Rican coffee are fermented after a long period of sun treatment, with tropical fruit, passionflower, jasmine and other flavors, round body and high cleanliness. Front Street Coffee this blue mint coffee from Stonehenge Manor Brenka, Costa Rica, is treated with anaerobic and heavy honey.

Coffee beans from Costa Rica, a famous coffee producing area, have been fermented for a long time in the sun, with tropical fruit, passion flower, jasmine and other flavors, round body and high cleanliness.

Front Street Coffee This blue mint coffee from Costa Rica's Brenka Stone Estate is processed and fermented by anaerobic heavy honey treatment. Strong sweetness, wine style, grape, blueberry, rum and other flavors can be felt.


Costa Rica Boulder Estate Blueberry Coffee Bean

Origin: Brenca, Costa Rica

Manor: Stonehenge

Altitude: 1700-1800m

Treatment method: anaerobic heavy honey treatment

Breeds: Bourbon, Carduai

Grade: SHB

Stonehenge is located in the Brunca region of southern Costa Rica at an altitude of 1700-1800m. Because the stone carvings of aborigines from 200 BC to 1500 BC were unearthed near the manor, they were called secret stone balls, so they were named Stone Manor. The soil used to grow coffee on the estate is a mixture of red mud and plaster, so the coffee beans produced here are not only high in bean density, but also very sweet.

According to the characteristics of coffee beans, Qianjie coffee hand brewed coffee suggested the following brewing parameters, filter cup: V60#01, water temperature: 90℃, powder amount: 15g, powder water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: medium fine grinding (Chinese standard 20 sieve pass rate 75%) Let's try it together.