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How to deal with the food that McDonald's can't sell out? McDonald's was exposed to food safety problems overnight blackened lettuce to continue to use

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Another brand that uses out-of-date ingredients has entered the hot search list of Weibo. On October 20, Weibo blogger "Insider picket Bureau" revealed that McDonald's uses expired ingredients. The blogger revealed that during his secret visit to McDonald's, he found that McDonald's had the following problems: the chronograph dial should be arranged; the label should be changed at will; and it blackened overnight.

Another brand that uses out-of-date ingredients has entered the hot search list of Weibo.



On October 20th, Weibo blogger "Insider picket Bureau" revealed that McDonald's uses expired ingredients.


The blogger revealed that during a secret visit to McDonald's, he found that McDonald's had the following problems:

The chronograph dial should be equipped.

Change the label at will

Continue to use lettuce that blackens overnight.

Continue to use the ingredients that should be discarded at a specified time.

The tray can be used directly without scrubbing.

Milk that has been leaking for three days will continue to be used.

The three main areas of McDonald's kitchen are divided into vegetable seasoning area, meat production area and bread area, all of which have problems during this undercover visit.

The chronograph dial was originally used by McDonald's to control the freshness of the vegetable area, that is, the timing began after the vegetables were put in.


However, according to the video, the vegetable leaves are black, and some of yesterday's vegetable leaves are still "hidden" inside, and the obvious chronograph dial is used as a decoration.




McDonald's labels are divided into three categories: thawing time, available time and expiration time.

In this undercover visit, the thawing time, curing time and expiration time of chicken have been extended, such as those that should have been discarded within the specified time after thawing, will continue to be used after changing the date.



The date has been rewritten many times just to cope with market regulation.


The dates of the praises bread and sausages in the bread that should have been discarded were also rescheduled.



In response, McDonald's China's official Weibo left a message at the bottom of the video in response:

Thank you for your supervision. We are learning about the restaurant in the video and verifying it. We have asked the general managers of all restaurants across the country to verify the landing of food safety again, and we will increase the non-notice inspection of restaurants.


In addition, after the video quickly made it to the top search list, many netizens said:

Boy, I always thought KFC McDonald's was the cleanest, so I just threw up.

"I thought KFC McDonald's was the cleanest." .

"my world is falling apart. McDonald's is the only restaurant I trust. I will eat it when I travel abroad. " .

The same is true of international giant chain brands.

"I always thought that McDonald's was very hygienic. After all, McDonald's has been boasting that the hygiene requirements of its stores and the operating procedures are particularly stringent. I did not expect that the kitchen is so dark."


McDonald's, as one of the largest fast food chains in the world, actually has corresponding operating rules and strict standards, but the stores do not strictly follow the operating rules and standards. On the contrary, for all kinds of non-compliance, the clerk also showed an indifferent attitude: "it doesn't matter, I don't eat anyway."


Obviously, the rules seem strict, but they are just decorations, and even their own shop assistants don't take it seriously.

And it's not the first time McDonald's has had food safety problems.

Police also stepped in to investigate two months ago after it was revealed that a McDonald's near the Seoul municipal government was using expired ingredients.


An insider of McDonald's has revealed that the store has put new shelf-life labels on expired bread and other ingredients and that the practice has been photographed dozens of times in the past year.


After the incident came to light, McDonald's issued an urgent apology, saying that it was true after an internal investigation, but it was only a personal act of a part-time student, and the part-time student was suspended for three months.



What will McDonald's do next to solve the exposed problem? it will not be done by issuing another statement of apology, will it?

* Image source: Internet

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