Coffee review

Is coffee refreshing? The refreshing effect of coffee can last for several hours. will long-term drinking coffee lead to osteoporosis?

Published: 2024-10-25 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, Coffee drinkers can be divided into two categories: one who really enjoys coffee, and the other who drinks coffee in order to survive. The best example of enjoying the coffee type is the barista. When drinking a cup of coffee, it is more likely to enjoy the rich flavor of the coffee, while the survival coffee type is addicted to caffeine, mostly because

Coffee drinkers can be divided into two categories: one who really enjoys coffee, and the other who drinks coffee in order to survive.

The best example of enjoying the coffee type is the barista. When you drink a cup of coffee, you are more likely to enjoy the rich flavor of the coffee, while the survival coffee type is addicted to caffeine, mostly because it refreshes you, reduces fatigue and increases concentration.


Coffee is really refreshing, and you can't sleep after drinking it. At this time, it can be understood that coffee plays a refreshing role. The main reason for this is that coffee contains caffeine. A large amount of caffeine intake will stimulate the central nervous system of the body to keep people excited and energetic (the caffeine content in general ground coffee is between 0.75 and 1.5%. The average cup of hand-brewed coffee with 225ml/15g beans contains about 60-90mg caffeine), but caffeine only temporarily prevents the body from sending fatigue signals to the brain, and getting enough sleep is the best way to refresh yourself. According to CCTV News, Han Fei, an attending physician in the neurology department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, pointed out that daily caffeine intake does not exceed 400mg (a cup of American coffee contains 200mg of caffeine). Studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of coffee can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


But if you are sensitive to caffeine, such as upset stomach after drinking coffee, or panic or insomnia, you should drink less coffee. In addition, high doses of caffeine can lead to calcium loss. Han Fei, an attending physician in the department of neurology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, advises teenagers and the elderly to limit their caffeine intake. In July last year, several media reported that a woman had osteoporosis caused by excessive coffee drinking, which pointed out that drinking a small amount of coffee had little effect on the body, while drinking a large amount of coffee every day would have a negative effect on bones.


A new study by researchers from the University of South Australia also said that moderate consumption of caffeine has benefits, but excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to calcium loss in the body, which may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Caffeine in coffee promotes urination and slightly increases calcium excretion. When the researchers investigated the effects of coffee on how the kidneys regulate calcium in the body, they found that consuming high doses of caffeine (800 mg) almost doubled the amount of calcium lost in urine within six hours, which may be associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis.


The implication is that drinking a moderate amount of coffee a day will not cause osteoporosis, but drinking more than eight cups of coffee will cause potential defects that may affect bone development. Although drinking more coffee is a risk factor for osteoporosis and slightly reduces bone mineral density, it is not a pathogenic factor for osteoporosis.

Clove doctor pointed out: daily drinking coffee will lead to the problem of calcium loss, coffee caffeine and oxalic acid and other ingredients will affect calcium absorption, increase calcium loss, but each cup of coffee loss of calcium, a few mouthfuls of milk to make up, so drinking moderate amount of coffee will not lead to osteoporosis.

Caffeine can be refreshing and alert. Reasonable and scientific consumption of coffee is good for your health, but excessive consumption of caffeine will have a negative effect on the body.

* Photo Source: for more information about coffee beans on the Internet, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) for professional coffee knowledge exchange. Please add Wechat account kaixinguoguo0925.