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Comparison of the taste of Phoenix Dancong and Wuyi rock tea Why is it bitter when Phoenix Dancong comes out? Is Wudi's Phoenix single fir a high-end Phoenix single fir?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Generally speaking, compared with Wuyi oolong tea, this kind of tea has not been recognized globally in the tea market. Phoenix Dancong Oolong and Wuyi Oolong belong to the same family. Daffodils are tea varieties found in both Wuyi and Fenghuang Mountains. Since the distance between Fenghuang Mountain and Wuyi Mountain is not very far, it is speculated that the tea of Fenghuang Mountain is about 40.

Generally speaking, compared with Wuyi oolong tea, this kind of tea has not been recognized globally in the tea market. Phoenix Dancong Oolong and Wuyi Oolong belong to the same family. Daffodils are tea varieties found in both Wuyi and Fenghuang Mountains. As the distance between Fenghuang Mountain and Wuyi Mountain is not very far, it is speculated that the tea from Fenghuang Mountain was brought to Wuyi Mountain about 400 years ago. Now, Narcissus is one of the famous Wuyi teas in the market. The oldest daffodil tea tree on Fenghuang Mountain is about 500-900 years old, twice as old as Wuyi daffodils. When Fenghuang Mountain was developed hundreds of years ago, it was said that there were only one or two varieties of tea. Once upon a time, tea was grown from a seed, and the offspring of seeds were different from their parents. It's like Mendelian heredity (or Mendelian genetics or Mendelism), which we learn from education in the past. This is a theory in which genetic traits are mixed and passed on from generation to generation. After hundreds of years of cultivation, the varieties of Phoenix tea have experienced many years of natural hybridization or mutation, and this biological change has brought about a variety of tastes of their own trees. Tea picked from different trees will produce different flavors, even if the processing methods or techniques are the same. The names of all kinds of Phoenix Dancong oolong tea are named after the taste of the tea produced by its original tree. There are many tea trees on the mountain, but each tree can only produce less than a few kilograms of tea. Therefore, even if the name and price of tea are the same, the taste of tea will vary from tree to tree. An important part of the quality of Fenghuang Dancong oolong tea. In addition to Dancong, there are several more important criteria when choosing high-quality Phoenix Dancong oolong tea.

Summer tea has a bitter taste. I often meet customers who say that Phoenix Dancong oolong tea tastes bitter or astringent and needs to be stored for a few more years. In fact, if you pick tea in early spring, it should not be bitter. Generally speaking, the tea harvested in late spring, summer and autumn tastes bitter and astringent, leaving a very uncomfortable feeling on the tongue. The vast majority of Phoenix oolong tea sold on the market comes from garden tea harvested throughout the year. In the wet season, tea grows faster and can be picked repeatedly. Compared with the Fenghuangdancong oolong tea harvested in early spring, you can't expect its quality to be good and its price to be extremely low. For the old Phoenix Dancong tree, it is harvested once a year in spring. Because of this old tree, it grows very slowly. Tea is rich in substances and minerals, with strong aroma and long-lasting taste.

Wulong Mountain is the best producing area of high-quality tea. Fenghuang Dancong Oolong Tea grows at an altitude of more than 1000 meters. Fenghuang Mountain consists of many peaks, including some remote or small peaks. For some reason, all these peaks are called Phoenix Mountain, as long as it is located in and around Phoenix. Wudong Mountain is the most famous high-quality Phoenix but Cong Oolong Mountain, because there are many old trees that have reached hundreds of years of age and are planted on this particular peak. In addition, the soil of Wudong Mountain is rich in minerals, which bring mellow taste to the tea. Wulong Mountain is the iconic peak of Phoenix Dancong Oolong. Phoenix Dancong Oolong Tea the oldest rock (rock tea) Wuyi tea is famous not only because of the age of its trees, but also because of its growing environment. The tea trees of Wuyi tea are planted in rocky places. Indeed, Phoenix, but Cong Oolong's growth environment is also very unstable. Some people say, "seeing is believing". When you stare at the photo below, it's hard to imagine where the tea trees are planted. Seen from a distance, there is only one Rocky Mountains here. These photos were taken in Wudong Mountain. Tea trees are planted between rocks, and the harsh environment makes the trees grow under tense conditions, resulting in a very slow growth rate. Eventually, tea becomes rich in minerals.


There are many rocks around Fenghuang Dancong Oolong Tea Oolong Mountain. The tea tree grows between the rocks.

Leave the weeds as they are. If you visit the Phoenix Mountain, you will be surprised at the way tea trees grow. Of all the native plants in the mountains, tea trees actually grow randomly. In Wushan Mountain, there are a large number of native plants growing around the tea trees. Farmers never get rid of wild plants. The leaves of these plants also contain a lot of minerals. In autumn, the local plants will lose their leaves, and the fallen leaves will stay on the ground for a period of time. After a period of time, the decomposition of microorganisms causes the minerals in the tea plant to be reabsorbed, then recycled and accumulated. The tea garden is deliberately covered with rice stalks to extract minerals from rice stalks when it rains so that the soil absorbs minerals and then is absorbed by tea trees. Obviously, the quality of fish sauce grown with straw is completely different from that without straw. There is another reason why weeds are left unattended. Farmers in Wushan Mountain have a tradition of not applying fertilizer. Some bacteria, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, live on the roots of legumes and have a symbolic relationship with plants. It has the ability to take nitrogen from the air and absorb it into its own system. I believe there are many other kinds of bacteria that have the same ability to provide nitrogen to wild plants. Weeds play an important role in keeping tea trees healthy. What if fertilizer is provided? It causes too much nitrogen, causing the tea tree to grow too fast, and as a result, the taste of the tea becomes very thin. In addition, due to excess nitrogen in the soil, some types of bacteria tend to grow rapidly, thus destroying the soil ecology. When you look at the wild plants in the forest, you may realize that they grow very healthy even without providing fertilizer. Do you want to know the source of nitrogen? There are two different sources of nitrogen: nitrogen can be recovered from the decomposed leaves of other native plants. Some kinds of bacteria have the ability to get nitrogen from the air and supply plants.