Coffee review

How do I use the leftover coffee grounds? Can I get Starbucks coffee grounds for free? How to make automobile battery with coffee grounds

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In March this year, coffee brand MANNER Coffee made use of the "coffee grounds" element to open a coffee shop, which attracted a lot of attention, and many netizens said: "opened a shop with coffee grounds?" What kind of fairy operation is this? A coffee shop in Shanghai is full of coffee grounds projects. But in addition to opening a shop, coffee grounds

In March of this year, coffee brand MANNER Coffee used the "coffee grounds" element to open a coffee shop, which attracted a lot of attention. Many netizens said: "Open a shop with coffee grounds?" What kind of magic is this? A coffee shop in Shanghai is full of coffee grounds."


However, coffee grounds can also be used to make batteries besides opening a shop!


According to foreign media reports, researchers from the Department of Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (DTMM FTUI) of the University of Indonesia use the "coffee grounds" element to produce graphene materials, which are specifically used for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles.

According to the report, a team called FTUI improved the conductivity of lithium titanate oxide (LTO) by processing "coffee grounds" into graphene, which is eventually used in lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles.

It is said that this kind of lithium-ion battery made of coffee grounds has smoother energy flow and lighter overall weight than traditional batteries, which can improve battery life and greatly shorten charging time.

The reason for this is that the nanoparticles produced by coffee-based graphene have a larger surface area, allowing more ions to pass through the material, and thanks to the innovative materials, working batteries weighing about 200kg can be produced (traditional electric vehicle batteries weigh about 500kg), reducing the overall weight of the battery.

Related reports also pointed out that in terms of battery charging, the team's goal is to fully charge in 15 minutes, and the current average charging time is 7kw(level 2).

However, this research is currently only aimed at developing electric vehicles.

In response, Hendri D.S., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia, Budiono said he hoped industry players would recognize the potential of this innovation and use it for commercial purposes.


In the automotive sector, there are companies that take coffee grounds from cafes and extract coffee oil from them, and then mix coffee oil with other fuels to produce a hybrid diesel. It has also been reported that Ford Motor Company in the United States recycled McDonald's coffee grounds to make car parts, such as headlight shells or other parts, etc. At that time, it was pointed out that the use of coffee grounds after coffee waste extraction made Ford cars "more environmentally friendly."

Coffee grounds are being fully utilized.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, coffee grounds can also be used to open cafes.

MANNER uses coffee grounds to create an environmentally-friendly time-limited pop-up coffee shop on the first floor of Huaihai, TX, Shanghai. According to previous understanding, the bar, tables, chairs and ashtrays in the coffee shop are made of recycled materials of "coffee grounds", so the aroma of coffee is emitted everywhere in the store.

In addition, due to the special nature of the cafe, Manner Coffee also proposed that the coffee grounds generated in the cafe should be recycled by KAFFTEC in addition to being collected free of charge by customers for secondary use during the event.

In addition, Starbucks, the world's largest coffee chain brand, also used coffee grounds to open the world's first environmental protection experimental store "Xianglu Workshop" in Shanghai Qiantan Taikoo Li.


"Green Workshop" is the first Starbucks store in China to recycle 100% of the coffee grounds in the store. It is said that even the green apron is processed from recycled PET beverage bottles. Part of the coffee grounds in the store will be returned to the land as plant fertilizer, and the other part will be packaged by consumers as free gifts. Therefore, after opening to the public, it immediately caught the attention of many consumers.

In addition to coffee shops, it is also used in coffee cups and coffee straws in the coffee field.


It can also be used to make shoes and clothes.

A company called Team Green spent three years researching and finally turned discarded coffee grounds into environmentally friendly casual shoes XpreSole. Coincidentally, Nike Air Force, a well-known sports brand owned by Nike, and Anta have previously used coffee grounds to make a variety of shoes.

A Japanese brand used coffee grounds directly in the production of clothes, and finally launched a four-season universal, male and female "environmental protection" jacket. After years of research and development, Daejeon City staff in South Korea have also produced a pair of jeans.


In addition to the above-mentioned applications, coffee grounds are widely used in many fields...

If you also have your own "unique works" for the use of coffee grounds, welcome to leave a message for interaction ~

* Image source: More content on the Internet, welcome to click on the public number of Coffee Workshop