Coffee review

Play photography poor third-generation photography + cafe? The fifth coffee shop in the world and the first Leica Cafe in China have opened!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Are there any friends who play photography in front of the screen? What is the brand of camera that can be sealed in your mind? Well, I believe many people have already given the answer in their hearts. Is there anyone like me who answered Leica? raise your hand. Leica can be said to be the pinnacle of all camera brands, the most

Are there any friends who play photography in front of the screen? What is the brand of camera that can be sealed in your mind? Well, I believe many people have already given the answer in their hearts. Is there anyone like me who answered Leica? raise your hand.


Leica is arguably the pinnacle of all camera brands, and almost all the world's most legendary photographers use this brand of cameras. From avant-garde street photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and social documentary photographer Sebastiao Salgado to Vietnam war photographer Nick Ut. All photography bosses are full of praise for this rigorous and aesthetic German brand.

Leica is a company with a long history in Germany, founded in 1869. The company mainly produces cameras, optical lenses, photographic lenses, telescopes, rifle sights and microscopes. In 1986, the company changed its name to Leica because of the popularity of the Leica trademark.


Recently, the fifth Caf é Leitz in the world and the first Leica Coffee Shop in mainland China have entered Vientiane City, Luohu, Shenzhen. What? Does Leica open a coffee shop? Or in mainland China? Yes, you read it right!

According to the official Little Red Book account of Caf é Leitz, the cafe opened on a trial basis in November and is now officially open. According to the official photos, it can be seen that the store integrates three spaces: the Leica camera store, the Leica Academy of Photography and the Leica coffee shop.


From the photos posted by netizens, you can also imagine the popularity of Leica cafes in mainland China. During the trial period, many photographers and coffee lovers went to sign in, the indoor and outdoor seats were full, and there was a long line at the bar to check out the dining area. Why is it the mainland of China? In fact, as early as 2019, Leica opened its first store in China at Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, near Hysan Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. The red and black design is very handsome, and all kinds of red and black graffiti bring a sense of design to the store building. Hong Kong stores are much larger than the mainland, including Leica camera sales counters, art galleries and cafes.


Cafe Leitz Hong Kong store

So where are the other three Caf é Leitz open?

The reason why the world's first Cafe Leitz is located in Wetzlal, Germany, should be obvious. The second is in Bangkok, Thailand, where the Caf é Leitz is a joint project with the local Thai coffee brand Pacamara and is located on the main floor of EmQuartier. The third one opened in Raffles Singapore.


Cafe Leitz Singapore Store

The idea of a cafe revolves around photography. The original purpose of Leica's cafe is to provide a communication space and platform for friends who love Leica, photography and coffee. Here, you can not only feel the charm of Leica camera, but also learn and appreciate Leica's industrial design aesthetics through the books, photographic journals and magazines of world-famous photographers.

Of course, although it is a "Leica experience store", there is still some coffee, including coffee, tea, desserts and creative drinks, with prices ranging from 25 yuan to 48 yuan. When you come to this "third space", you can drink coffee and share your skills with photography enthusiasts around you. You may even have a chance to buy some of the best cameras in the world.

Are you moved? Then go and sign in!

Photo Source: Internet