Coffee review

What should be paid attention to in 2022 coffee bean packaging design leading style coffee packaging design

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Due to repeated epidemics, epidemic prevention measures in various countries have made it impossible for shops to operate normally, and people have been restricted from going out. In the past two years, everyone's consumption scene has also changed from offline to online, and coffee consumption is no exception. According to the global coffee consumption report, since the epidemic, more and more people have begun to buy coffee beans online to learn how to

Due to repeated epidemics, epidemic prevention measures in various countries have made it impossible for shops to operate normally, and people have been restricted from going out. In the past two years, everyone's consumption scene has also changed from offline to online, and coffee consumption is no exception. According to the global coffee consumption report, more and more people have started buying coffee beans online since the outbreak, learning how to make a cup of coffee at home to satisfy them.


In this crazy era of e-commerce, if you want to make consumers pay attention to their own coffee brand, the packaging of goods must be the key. When there is not enough awareness and the price can not beat others, coffee bean packaging design has become the "bet" of many coffee brands. Excellent packaging design can not only help brands convey stories and personalities, but also a crucial step in building customer loyalty to the brand.

Recently, there is a topic in the Global freelance Creator / designer Forum (99designs by Vista): which styles will be preferred in coffee bean packaging design in 2022. From the discussion / prediction of designers, more and more coffee brands will turn to avant-garde design in 2022, hoping to catch the eyes of consumers who quickly slide and preview products through exaggerated design and color matching. at the same time create an unforgettable experience.


But some designers say that exaggerated design is easy to produce visual fatigue, if everyone prefers exaggerated design and color matching, then simple design is the most prominent among many products. To that end, the discussants sorted out six packaging designs for coffee beans that are most likely to be dominant in 2022.

1. "tranquil Wind"-the combination of clean tone and simple copywriting

The epidemic has been repeated over the past few years, and people are in a mixed mood. The complex mood makes consumers like to seek peace and tranquillity through all areas of life. Coffee beans themselves express pure and simple, through the calm tone, simple copywriting and clean font combination, so that the product does not seem to have a visual burden, while conveying that drinking coffee can bring us a relaxed mood.


2. "text solo style"-text solo with hierarchical structure

In the previous design understanding, good packaging design is inseparable from the pattern. But in this era of the pursuit of calm, simple text typesetting has become a trend. Through font typesetting, the name, function and other vital information of the product are conveyed directly to consumers. Readability, readability, reading time, font size, shape, color and style can make simple font typesetting memorable, allowing consumers to distinguish coffee beans with different roasting, different producing areas and different flavors by emphasizing the text.


3. "Laser wind"-material and light work together to create special vision

The laser style, which was regarded as a "non-mainstream" color match, has been reused in recent years, and the laser style is brighter than the rainbow color. Packaging materials and light "join hands" to bring consumers a special visual experience. Light blue and pink neon lights match each other with a white background, and geometric shapes are layered to increase the sense of edge. presents a cool future technology style visual experience. When used in coffee bean packaging, it can attract the attention of young consumers who pursue the trend and change the impression of the new generation of consumers on traditional coffee.


4. "Green style"-environmentally friendly materials show the sustainable development of the brand.

In the era when everyone attaches importance to environmental protection, the recyclable / sustainable development of commodity packaging has become the focus of design. Whether the material of the packaging itself is environmentally friendly or not has become the focus of consumers. Designers expect that packaging made of environmentally friendly materials may be widely used in the preservation and transportation of coffee beans this year. For example, sealed cans made of coffee grounds and bags made of non-wood fibers emphasize that coffee beans / grounds are one of the materials for sustainable development.


5. "collage style"-reflect environmental protection through collage

By emphasizing the layered sense of color and geometry, the paper tearing effect and original texture are used to express the essence of recyclable materials, which is very suitable for coffee brands that want to enter the environmental market. Through the collage design to show endless possibilities, so that consumers can feel that the brand loves nature and pays attention to environmental protection through such packaging design.


6. "Children's fun style"-naughty and eccentric characters show relaxed and happy

The anxious living environment makes packaging design tend to be "mischievous" and playful style. Imitating the style of children's painting or children's interest has become the focus of packaging design. Some weird 2D characters, children's painting style characters. It's cute and funny. Coffee bean packaging using this design style will create a relaxed and happy impression for the coffee brand, so that consumers will be able to think of the brand's coffee beans when they encounter happy things.


Photo Source: 99designs by Vista Network

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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