Coffee review

Nestle Coffee and Master Iced Black Tea launched unlabeled bottled drinks!

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, In recent years, as people pay more and more attention to environmental protection, there are a variety of ways to "support low carbon". Even things that we thought were "illegal", such as unlabelled bottled drinks, are now legal. Of course, these unlabeled bottles cannot be sold in a single bottle! Recently, Nestl é in Japan

In recent years, as people pay more and more attention to environmental protection, there are a variety of ways to "support low carbon". Even things that we thought were "illegal", such as unlabelled bottled drinks, are now legal. Of course, these unlabeled bottles cannot be sold in a single bottle!

Recently, Nestle Coffee Company of Japan announced that it will launch unlabeled bottled coffee in March this year, namely low-sugar bottled black coffee and sugar-free bottled black coffee. Sold in a group of 12 bottles in the form of a whole case. The design of the box is also made of recycled materials and can be re-sealed after opening the box. All product information and production information required by law will be printed out on the carton, and the bottled drinks will be printed with a laser to print the expiration date, the name of the drink and indicate that it cannot be sold in retail form.


And this time Nestle Coffee is not the first to launch unlabeled bottled drinks. As early as 2018, Asahi Natural Water in Japan took the lead in launching unlabeled bottled water; in 2019, many bottles under Asahi also began to be "unlabeled"; Japanese beverage leader Suntory also began to launch labeled bottled lemon soda and green tea in 2020; in January 2021, the Asahi brand upgraded, aiming at retail drinks, the label was printed directly on the bottle. In May, the Suntory brand redesigned some of the beverage bottles. In addition to the production and shelf life date, the brand label will be displayed on the PET bottle in the form of pattern; in August, Evian of Japan also launched unlabeled bottled water.

From the "unlabelled" operation of bottled drinks by major beverages and drinking water companies, it can be seen that Japanese consumers are very much in favor of using unlabeled packaging. According to the survey, about 60% of Japanese consumers are willing to buy unlabeled products because "it can reduce the generation of PVC waste" and "can reduce the hassle of removing labels." (in Japan, there are additional labels on PET bottles that need to be classified separately because most of the heat shrinkable film labels are made of PVC material and cannot be naturally decomposed in the environment. In China, Master Kang also quietly "tore off" the label of bottled drinks. Kang Shifu Beverage flagship store launched the main low-carbon concept of unlabeled bottled Iced Black Tea, which is also the first time that a domestic company has launched unlabeled bottled drinks. Similarly, unlabeled bottles of Iced Black Tea are sold in groups and are not allowed to be split and retail. Perhaps this operation will make many domestic consumers unaccustomed. After all, in the daily understanding, bottled drinks without labels are like "fakes".


To this end, Master Kang also gave an explanation: this is in response to the national carbon reduction requirements. It is hoped that this move will lead more beverage companies to launch low-carbon and environmentally friendly packaging and reduce excessive packaging. At the same time, it also said that in order to reduce the pollution of ink printing, all beverage names / shelf life dates and other necessary information will be printed by laser and engraved directly on the bottle.


When many domestic partners found that Master Kang also launched unlabeled bottled drinks, they expressed their support one after another. However, there are still many small partners worried that "untagged" in the market there are certain risks, and said that this may only be a way of promotion, can not be implemented for a long time. For this reason, what do you think? Photo Source: Internet