Coffee review

How to open a coffee shop? What do you need to prepare to open a coffee shop? how much is it?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, I knew! Do you still want to open your own coffee shop? All right, all right! Since you still want to open your own coffee shop, today let's talk about what a coffee shop needs to do from preparation to opening. Of course, each shop has a different style, and some things still need to be done.

I knew! Do you still want to open your own coffee shop?

All right, all right! Since you still want to open a coffee shop of your own, today let's talk about what a coffee shop needs to do from preparation to opening. Of course, each shop has a different style, and some things still need to be decided by yourself. the following may not be suitable for everyone, and you can use it as a reference to devise a plan that suits you.

"study before opening a shop"

Before opening a shop, we need to think about what a coffee shop is. What kind of job skills do you need? You should know that coffee shops need to be practiced by themselves. It is not easy to watch other people open coffee shops and make coffee. If you learn how to do it with your eyes, you can practice it.

Therefore, it is necessary to collect a lot of information and reserve knowledge before opening a coffee shop, so as to lay a good foundation for opening a coffee shop. The reserve knowledge mentioned here is not only the study of coffee brewing skills and coffee knowledge, but also to unravel how a coffee shop needs to use funds, personnel arrangements and specific operations.


Working in a coffee shop is actually a good learning process, but only if it is a reliable coffee shop. Although most of working in a coffee shop is not what everyone wants, as long as you calm down, observe and pay attention to things outside the bar, learn to communicate with guests in advance and gain experience in service, it will be more important than focusing on coffee brewing technology. some places that cannot be explained but understood need to be experienced by practice. In the process, you will get to know a lot of like-minded friends who may be of great help in opening and running your coffee shop.

"on the orientation of Cafe"

With regard to positioning, what we need to think about is what is your motivation for opening a coffee shop? How to make your ideas concrete? Although opening a coffee shop has something in common, if you are in charge of it, you must want the coffee shop to have its own characteristics. If you do not think about positioning, but just open a shop on impulse, it is very risky.


Here we can use 6 W and 2 to think about the question: why did Why open a coffee shop? What does What want to sell mainly to customers? When does When open the store? What kind of guests does Who want to come to the hotel? Whom, who is going to run this coffee shop? Where does Where open a shop? What is the style of How to? How much money does How much have to open a store?

"confirmation of the Coffee Shop menu"

Coffee shop is the most indispensable is comparable to the shop signboard menu, to remember! The menu should be made when you want to open a shop! It is not confirmed when the store is ready to operate. For the thinking of the menu, we need to take into account the regionality, the customer class, the characteristics of the surrounding stores and the needs / requirements of nearby guests. After fully grasping the regional needs, we can make a menu that everyone can accept.


With the menu, you need to consider pricing. What kind of price is appropriate. If you judge from the price of raw materials, you need to refer to the original price rate formula: original price rate% = raw material fee / sales price x100%. Generally speaking, the original price rate should not exceed 30% of the sales price. But this is only in terms of material cost, we also need to add the cost of laying and renting artificial water and electricity, which needs to be calculated according to the specific situation.

"the location of the coffee shop."

Location is particularly important, which is the factor that determines whether your coffee shop can prosper or not. Therefore, when choosing a site, we should first consider the region and do more on-the-spot visits. After finding the shop that suits your heart, you should determine whether the shop is suitable / whether it can be a restaurant, whether water, electricity and coal is normal, what are the restrictions on internal and external decoration, and whether the store rent deposit is proper.


"necessary funds for coffee shop opening"

The money for opening a coffee shop is not from the strong wind, so the most important thing to consider before opening a coffee shop is the question of capital, so it is suggested to make a detailed schedule, among which these are the funds that every coffee shop must use: shop rent, internal and external decoration expenses, equipment and tableware purchase expenses, advertising expenses, material purchase fees, and shop operation funds.

"the use of funds after the opening of the coffee shop"

It is easy to open a shop but difficult to operate. After the coffee shop opens, the essential monthly expenditure is rent and labor (even if you run it alone, you have to take into account your own time cost). If there is no corresponding turnover at this time, there will be a road of no return. So before opening a shop, learn how to adjust the ratio of expenditure to income, and if necessary, learn to adjust the positioning of the coffee shop in time.


First of all, we need to make clear the expenditure of the monthly fixed cost, and what needs to be calculated is the depreciation cost of the shop rent labor and fixed assets, that is, the monthly depreciation cost allocated to the decoration and equipment within a certain number of years. Then there is the forecast of turnover, which is equal to "per capita consumption x average daily passenger flow", and the average daily passenger flow can be calculated in detail according to working days, weekends and holidays through "seat number x turnover rate x seat utilization rate" or "pre-store passenger flow x attraction rate". Finally, there is the setting of the profit and loss point, before this setting, see how much working capital you can come up with, and then use a fixed fee / (1-working capital / turnover).

In the calculation of these should not be too idealized, must be based on the actual situation to determine the use of funds after the opening of the coffee shop.

"Coffee shop qualification acquisition"

The most time-consuming and laborious thing to open a coffee shop is to obtain employment qualifications. Different places use different regulations, and different coffee shop positioning will have different requirements, but two certificates are essential, one is the food business license, and the other is the business license of the store. After applying to the relevant departments, you need to go through a round of verification, so when you determine the opening time of the coffee shop, it is recommended to apply in advance to give yourself plenty of time.


"equipment input"

Act according to your ability, not the more expensive, the better, cost-effective, in their own affordable price is the most important! It is not recommended that you blindly invest in expensive equipment as soon as you open a shop. You really don't have to throw money on the equipment when opening a store! It is not too late to upgrade the equipment slowly after your operation is stable. At the beginning of the opening of a coffee shop, try to save costs, can not be too optimistic about the future, not a blow, this is the reality.


Design and Decoration of Coffee Shop

Before doing this, be sure to define and solidify the style of the store, and then make a good design plan according to the actual situation of the store. In addition to considering the style of the storefront decoration, we also need to fully consider the guest area and bar / kitchen space allocation as well as moving line design.


The staff moving line design needs to take full account of the efficient operation of the shop assistant after receiving the order, so from the location of the equipment, we need to consider how to make the staff more successful from operation to serving meals. The guest's moving line needs to consider whether the position of the table and chair decoration will hinder the guest's progress, and whether the indoor lighting position can guide the guest's route.

"selection of channels for material purchase"

Whether coffee beans or other materials are purchased, we should choose suppliers, manufacturers and brands with legal production qualifications! This is very important!


"final inspection before opening"

All the equipment in the kitchen, bar, guest area, bathroom and other areas operate normally, the food materials and materials are all ready, whether the food materials are within the shelf life range, whether the cleaning utensils are complete, whether the cashier system is normal, whether the personnel are ready to enter the operation state, and so on.

"about Services"

No matter what your personality, serving guests is the most basic principle is warm and generous, can really make the guests convinced. I believe that no matter which line, the service is to determine whether a store, a company, a brand can survive forever. There is a good service, congratulations, there is still 1999 from the century-old store!


Although the article is a little long and verbose, you can see it in the end, which proves that you really have perseverance and want to open your own coffee shop. So here, I wish you all a prosperous business in advance! The money rolls in! I hope everyone can stick to their dreams and do something that they don't regret.

If you have anything else you want to share, you can leave a message in the comment area. Now! Select!

Photo Source: Internet

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