Coffee review

Opening a coffee shop is a standard suicide behavior.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today, when reading the article about coffee, the topic of "opening a coffee shop is a standard suicidal behavior" deeply attracted the eyes of code clerks. The content is a screenshot of a dialog box: the owner of the topic's view is as follows: "opening a coffee shop is a standard suicidal behavior, to the subject's wallet, mood."

Today, when reading the article about coffee, the topic of "opening a coffee shop is a standard suicidal behavior" deeply attracted the eyes of code clerks.


The content is a screenshot of a dialog box:


The owner of the topic's view is as follows: "opening a coffee shop is a standard suicidal behavior, which is extremely disadvantageous to the subject's wallet, mood, health and life. Whether it is part-time or full-time, it will have disastrous consequences." If you have a disease, you have to treat it, instead of taboo about medical treatment, you just stand up and don't take medicine or see a doctor. It's just so noisy, casual, and evasive. " Although the landlord was a little excited in the expression, he could see that he hoped that the netizen would consider the problems he most needed to solve at present.


Start with the mental state of the dialogue partner (hereinafter referred to as Q Jun): "because of the stress and interpersonal problems of working in state-owned enterprises, I suffer from severe depression." as a result, they are unable to concentrate, lack of motivation, energy and physical strength, and the whole person's state is very bad, and their thinking and action become slow, so they think that they are more suitable for repetitive work such as coffee, baking, light food and so on. "

And the operation of the coffee shop needs the operator's own motivation and enthusiasm very much. Although Q Jun likes coffee, he only enjoys the process of brewing coffee, because it can provide comfort for his mood and state of mind in the brewing process.


But the operation of a coffee shop can not be done well by what you love. This is a business, although it seems very simple, but in today's society full of coffee shops, it is very difficult to run a coffee shop. Because what we have to face is not only the production of coffee, but also pay attention to decoration, rent, water and electricity, marketing, raw material costs, these operating costs can not be borne and faced if the mood and mentality are negative and cannot be self-adjusted. at the same time, it will increase your own anxiety.


The love of coffee only promotes the idea of opening a shop, and opening a coffee shop requires not only love, but also the ability to set suitable marketing operation and management according to the current situation. Although Q Jun has said that he has a little bit of experience in store operation and new media operation, it can be seen that Q Jun does not have an in-depth understanding of store operation and the use of new media, but only knows some superficial things. Coupled with the blessing of state-owned enterprises, there are resources and customers in the operation of these stores and new media, so Q Jun has the illusion that he can easily get resources / customers by running a new coffee shop / official account.

Then comes the analysis of Q Jun's character: "I am not good, unlikable, and flattering at the same time." Try to change but always have no way, it is easy to be isolated if you get along with others for a long time. The reason is that I am unable to persuade and manage the elders who lead the team, so I am more afraid to communicate and coordinate with the team members / clients. "


From Q Jun's expression, we can see that he lacks self-confidence, and it is precisely because of this character and the team's disobedience that Q Jun will hide his lack of self-confidence or hope to force Tu team members to obey through some tough attitude. Of course, this is only an inference from the expression, not that Mr. Q is like this. )

In the expression of the dialog box, we can see that Q Jun's leader thinks highly of him, which also proves that Q Jun's ability is better than that of the members of the team for the time being. The relationship between the elder and the younger generation has always existed in the workplace, but the society depends on the ability, who is strong and who is strong, it is also very normal to get the jealousy / disobedience of others, but since the leader attaches great importance to him, it proves that he has his work advantage in the regiment.


As the saying goes, if you want to be recognized by others, you must be able to do a good job and take the lead. When the team is unwilling to cooperate at first, it will be on an equal footing with the team members, what the team does, and the leader will do the same, when everyone can agree on the same thing. Then start to arrange the next thing and slowly open the gap between responsible work and the degree of responsibility, and arrange to be responsible for different jobs by understanding and observing each person's work advantages. The team just needs everyone to have good communication, discuss and solve together, and can't insist on going it alone.

Communication is so important whether it is to work or to open a coffee shop. Whether you are opening a store in partnership or on your own, it is a long process of communication from the beginning of renting a store, and you are no longer faced with people who are doing the same work as you. Landlords, decoration teams, wholesalers, guests, etc., after stepping out of the team, it is impossible for everyone to accommodate / cater to even their own bad personality.

Opening a coffee shop is not as beautiful as in the movie, especially now the domestic coffee market is developing very fast, and coffee shops everywhere are struggling with the question of "how to attract new customers" every day. In addition, the virus has not been effectively controlled, there are too many unknown and irreversible factors!


Running a coffee shop to escape the 9-to-5 working life is itself in the wrong direction, because as a worker, you can have at least one day off a week and have your own private time after work. Opening a coffee shop means going to a coffee shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in addition to sleeping, thinking about all kinds of things all the time. Although it is something I love, the pressure in this situation is no less or even greater than when I was working.

The most important thing Q needs to do now is to put down the source of stress and get himself out of trouble as soon as possible with the help of drugs. Instead of getting yourself into an endless cycle of anxiety by opening a coffee shop.

Apart from Mr. Q, there are many partners in other industries who hope to open a coffee shop after learning skills by applying for a barista, so as to avoid the current life of nine to five. Everyone thinks that being a boss is better than a part-time job. But in this matter, many people do not think that starting a business is a process that requires a lot of effort and continuous running. Cafes are by no means as quiet as they seem. All successful coffee shops are inseparable from the manager's love for coffee + recognition of the value of coffee + dedication to the coffee shop. No one can casually succeed, all success is paid a lot of tears and sweat that others can not see.


Is it really better to be a coffee shop manager than to hit a worker? A netizen was quoted as saying: "opening a coffee shop is just a change of posture." It has changed from cosying up to one boss to pleasing many bosses. " This sentence is the heartache of entrepreneurs. So it is really not necessary to choose to open a coffee shop just to escape from reality and from 9 to 5, because the final result will not be what people want.

Photo Source: Sina Forum Network

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