Coffee review

Drinking coffee is not because of sleepiness, but because of habit?!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As a member of the diligent brick-moving army, coffee has become an indispensable drink in our lives. Some people enjoy the strange flavor it brings, while others just want to be awake for a moment. Wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee on hand, which becomes a must-do for workers. But have you thought about it?

As a member of the diligent brick-moving army, coffee has become an indispensable drink in our lives. Some people enjoy the strange flavor it brings, while others just want to be awake for a moment. Wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee on hand, which becomes a must-do for workers. But have you ever thought about a question: do you drink coffee out of habit or demand?

A new scientific study has found that people are more likely to drink coffee out of habit than demand. Participants underestimated how much their habits affected their behavior, including coffee intake, according to a new study published in Psychological Science.


Why do you drink coffee?

Because I was immortal last night, I didn't get enough sleep and I was very tired, so I threw myself into a caffeine hug.


Participants expressed the same idea to the researchers, saying that fatigue was twice as important as habit factors when it came to prompting them to drink coffee.

So the researchers followed the subjects for a week, recording their coffee consumption and fatigue every two hours. The researchers found that when they ate coffee, the subjects did not realize that their habits far exceeded their needs, which meant that the subjects did not agree with each other.

Wendy Wood, one of the authors of the study, said that most of what we do every day is based on our personal habits, but we are reluctant to admit that it is our own habit. Instead, we attribute our actions to our emotions and intentions.


The study authors go on to point out that doing something habitually is not bad in nature and can sometimes be beneficial. Positive things such as eating healthy food, exercise and recycling are also done according to personal habits, not because it is good. Humans are not good at explaining what drives us to repeat a certain behavior: a need or a habit.

Seeing this, some workers may make such a defense: is it not to strike a balance between the two? Isn't the repetition of the habit of drinking coffee precisely to eliminate the need for fatigue?

Yes, many workers drink coffee from the beginning just to meet the refreshing needs, and finally get into the habit of drinking one cup every day. Later, a certain taste of coffee became a bugle for workers to get up early.


Drinking coffee has long become a daily habit in the West, while coffee drinking in China is still in its infancy. People generally drink coffee out of the following three needs: the physical needs of beating workers; the emotional needs that highlight the refinement of life; and the social needs between people. It will become a habit to meet a need with a certain behavior for a long time.

So, as a diligent brick lifter, you cover your conscience and say, is drinking coffee a habit or a need?

Photo Source: Internet

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