Coffee review

I have an idea for a coffee shop, but I don't know if it's feasible.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Recently, I got a question about "I have the idea of opening a coffee shop, but I don't know if it's feasible." Before the article begins, summarize the writer's opinion: "Don't consider opening a coffee shop because you can't find a suitable job and have a little savings, because" loving coffee "and" running a coffee shop "are two different things.

Recently, I got a question about "I want to open a coffee shop, but I don't know if it's feasible". Before the beginning of the article, summarize the code clerk's view: "Don't consider opening a coffee shop because you can't find a suitable job and have a little savings, because" loving coffee "and" running a coffee shop "are two different things! Of course, this article wants to express more than that.

The reason why I share this topic with you is because of the ideas of up Lord, and also the ideas of many people, so I would like to take this opportunity to talk with you about the problems existing in these ideas. Because the original po text is a bit long, it is displayed in a four-grid way.


First of all, there is an urgent need to correct the problem from up, that is to equate fine coffee with hand-brewed coffee, fine coffee with single coffee, single coffee and hand-brewed coffee. This is also a question that the code clerk read around the comment area and was not pointed out in the netizens' answers. Although up says he doesn't despise lattes, he has "graded" the way the coffee is made.

In fact, because of the Chinese expression of the words "boutique coffee" and "single coffee", many domestic partners have a very deep misunderstanding about them.

The original word of "boutique coffee" is "Specialty Coffee specialty coffee", which refers to the cultivation of coffee beans with unique flavor under specific climatic and geographical conditions. It is not everyone's understanding that high-score, expensive individual coffee beans can be called boutique coffee beans. If coffee beans are blended with coffee beans that meet the above conditions, they can also be called boutique coffee beans.

The original word for single coffee is "Single Origin Coffee", which refers to coffee beans produced by a single country / area / estate / land, not a single variety of coffee beans. Individual coffee beans and blended coffee beans are opposite, blending coffee beans can be coffee beans from An origin and coffee beans from b origin, but single coffee beans can only be coffee beans from An origin.

For example, the native variety of Ethiopia actually does not refer to a particular variety, but a mixture of a very large number of coffee bean varieties. But because it is planted in the same place, it belongs to individual coffee beans.

In other words, single coffee = boutique coffee, but boutique coffee ≠ single coffee, single coffee can show a unique flavor through all coffee production methods, boutique coffee is the same.


The president of the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA) has also said that fine coffee should not only be defined by the quality and score of coffee beans, but more by the production project. From choosing raw coffee to presenting it to consumers, every step of the process needs to maintain the highest quality in order to be defined as boutique coffee.

In other words, in addition to the quality of the raw beans themselves, roasters and brewers should know enough about the coffee beans themselves in order to extract the reasonable taste of the coffee beans in an appropriate way and show the characteristic flavor of the coffee producing areas. and this way is more than just drip extraction.

And up said in the main article, "I think good coffee beans can only be drunk in a high-quality way, not by adding other things to change the taste". It can only be said that up loves to taste hand-brewed coffee, but also likes the purity of hand-brewed coffee, but this does not mean that this is fine coffee. If you want to open a boutique coffee shop, but do not have a correct understanding of boutique coffee, it is already a big drawback.


It is certainly possible for a coffee shop to make coffee and sell its own roasted beans. But up also mentioned that he just likes drinking coffee and can judge the producing area by drinking coffee, knowing that different varieties and roasting can bring different performance to the flavor of coffee, but he did not mention that he has done some research on coffee.

So there is the idea of providing equipment for guests to make their own coffee. As mentioned above, boutique coffee depends on the people who can show the characteristics of coffee beans. As the owner of a store, he does not have a stable cooking technology and does not study other cooking technologies to open a store. is there any reason for consumers to trust the manager and the brand?

To make a dish delicious, it is inseparable from the chef's understanding of the ingredients and looking for a suitable way of cooking. The same is true of roasted coffee beans. We have an understanding of the varieties of coffee beans and know the effect of roasting depth on coffee flavor, but we do not understand why the same variety can be greatly different in different producing areas. The flavor performance of the same variety planted at different elevations in the same producing area can also be different, how to make an appropriate baking plan by judging the state of raw beans. Every minute of the baking process and how the temperature and rotational speed will change the coffee beans, and so on, these are often the most important knowledge.

Baking coffee beans looks easy, just stir-fry them thoroughly, making coffee looks easy, and the water just passes through the coffee particles. But for coffee beans to show their best state through roasting, it takes a lot of knowledge, research, and practice for water to extract the right flavor substances as it passes through coffee granules. This process takes a long time and is not easy.


So if the up owner really wants to open a boutique coffee shop, it is recommended to study the relevant courses first, and then constantly consult the relevant materials to expand and apply the knowledge points. The biggest sign of a store is the manager / barista himself.

What if I hire a barista? So the cost is very high! Up is located in Shanghai, both the rent and labor are very high, if there is no balanced income at the moment of opening the store, it will only keep losing money. And coffee shops do not have customers as soon as they open. A new coffee brand takes time to precipitate. Now we can see many coffee shops with good business and great fame, either with money or with time.

However, according to the economic situation described by up, it is not recommended to all in all your hard-earned savings on a whim without knowing the reality.

Drinking boutique hand-brewed coffee and running a coffee shop are two different things. Boutique coffee pursues the quality of coffee beans, the quality of coffee products and the value of baristas themselves, but few people will appreciate it. In addition to the lovers who have a certain degree of research on coffee, public consumers actually do not have much research and pursuit on the flavor of coffee. A cup of coffee that is not sour or bitter, with a high performance-to-price ratio, is good coffee.


If a coffee shop does not offer coffee with other ingredients to make the taste acceptable to the public, there will be very few people who know the coffee shop and will come to spend it, which cannot support the operation of a coffee shop.

If you want to be stationed in Tmall, you must first register the brand trademark, sell pre-sold packaged food, and need a food business license. In addition to these, resident Tmall also needs to pay a deposit, which generally requires 10-150000, depending on the type of store. At the same time, every time an order is completed, Tmall deducts the commission charged in real time, which usually ranges from 3% to 5%. So even if you don't open a physical store and sell your roasted coffee beans online, it's a big expense for Tmall.

Finally, there is the question of joining. As the owner of up said, there is great competition between coffee chain brands, and the coffee brands that can join are not the chain brands that consumers consume in the mainstream. In Shanghai, a place where coffee shops are saturated, if it is not a mainstream chain coffee brand, its operating costs and expenses are also very high. The franchise fee alone costs hundreds of thousands of yuan, and the monthly rent, manpower, and raw materials are no easier than opening an independent coffee shop.


Of course, if you really want to open a coffee shop, you can consider opening it in an area that is not a first-or second-tier city. But no matter what kind of coffee shop you open, the most important thing is that the person in charge needs to have a deep understanding of coffee and a clear understanding of running the shop, because running a coffee shop is a business in itself.

Instead of doing nothing, as netizens answered, it is better to really study the coffee and understand what it takes to open a coffee shop, and then according to the later form, open a coffee shop that you can support and operate.

You don't have to lie flat in the first place! This money can be spent on more meaningful things. Just because it is not recommended now does not mean that it is not appropriate in the future. There is no absolute truth. Only when the dream is realized will you not regret it.

Source of picture: network (irrelevant to picture and text)

Source of question: Douban

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex