Coffee review

Milk evaluation | Why is Jersey milk so expensive! Is it good to make lattes?!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Nowadays, in the circle of boutique coffee, what can open the gap is not only the quality of coffee beans and the specialty of baristas, but also the milk used in the store. There are ice blogs in the front and Jersey milk in the back. I don't know when the coffee shops gradually began to roll up the milk. As one of the essential raw materials in coffee shops, milk is also in coffee.

Nowadays, in the circle of boutique coffee, what can open the gap is not only the quality of coffee beans and the specialty of baristas, but also the milk used in the store. There are ice blogs in the front and Jersey milk in the back. I don't know when the coffee shops gradually began to roll up the milk.

As one of the essential raw materials for coffee shops, milk is also driven by the coffee tide, from a supporting role only used to ease the bitterness of coffee to a protagonist who can sublimate the taste of the whole cup of coffee.


Although more and more people begin to pursue the purity of coffee and taste the flavor level of coffee, milk coffee is still widely needed. In order to make these consumers who need milk coffee can also drink the unique flavor of coffee beans in the coffee with milk, the combination of frozen milk and coffee (Dirty) has also become one of the signboards of many boutique coffee shops.

Simply put, Dirty is a drink made with iced milk and espresso. Under the reasonable extraction of espresso by the pressurized coffee machine, the carbon dioxide in the coffee powder will be saturated with the insoluble oil and flow out with the coffee liquid, resulting in the appearance of golden oil foam on the surface of the coffee liquid.

At this time, fill a cup of fully refrigerated milk and drop the coffee liquid into the milk at close range. The difference in liquid density not only makes the coffee as a whole produce a layered hedging effect. A mouthful can also bring a distinct sense of cold and hot impact to the mouth, and its flavor will also produce a variety of gradual levels of flavor because of the sweet intersection of coffee and milk.


In this way, you can drink not only the unique flavor of coffee beans, but also another unique coffee flavor produced by the combination of coffee flavor and milk fat and lactose, as well as the unique sweetness of milk itself. The gradual level and taste make Dirty a "handle" in the milk curry world.

Also because of the emergence of DIrty, in order to make the gradient level more clear, people also have more pursuit for the alcohol thickness, lactose and milk fat content of milk. In the industry can no longer be satisfied with fresh milk, have used ice distilled milk (ice blog) to make Dirty, there are coffee shops at the forefront of the trend began to use Jersey milk.

As from the past to the present is recognized as the "Herm è s in Milk", the latest dairy Deep-Fried Chicken, because of what suddenly rolled up in the cafe?

Thinking of this, the code clerk suddenly opened the takeout platform and placed an order for two types of Juanshan milk that could be bought immediately in Guangzhou.... (a stab in the heart after placing the order)


I think the reason why it can be rolled up is that price accounts for a lot of factors (it really costs a lot of money). Just as the value of luxury goods generally comes from the story of its birth, Jersey milk is expensive in large part because of the wonderful story behind it!

As the name implies, Jersey milk is produced from Jersey cattle, and the hometown of Jersey cattle is Jersey, also known as Jersey Island, which is both strange and familiar to everyone.

People are no stranger to Jersey, partly because the location of Wechat friends is "Island Horror", which is one of the famous horror films, and partly because the island has Jersey Niu, a cow aristocrat who is "closed breeding". It is no exaggeration to say that without Jersey cattle, Jersey would not be widely known.


-Juanshan cattle

There are different opinions on the origin of the breed of Jersey cattle, and there is no evidence for the exact origin of the breed, but the breeding history of this breed of dairy cattle is very clear. In order to breed purebred Jersey cattle, Britain issued a law banning other cattle from entering Jersey in 1763. In 1844, the British Jersey cattle breed Association was established, which also marked the success of this breed. More than 200 years later, the pedigree of Jersey cattle has not been changed by other breeds.

Compared with Holstein, the milk source we drink every day, Holstein is famous for its fast reproduction and large milk production. On the contrary, Jersey cattle is famous for its slow reproduction and low milk yield, so the quality and nutritional value of milk should be high. It is precisely because of the scarcity of things that Jersey milk was and is worth several times more than ordinary milk.


-Holstein cattle

We think that the taste of a kind of milk is good, which is inseparable from the content of milk fat and protein. The code clerk compared the milk fat content of "fresh Milk of Guangming fresh Ranch" with "Jersey Milk of Weipin" and "Jersey Milk full of fragrant buildings" in Guangzhou. The milk fat content of ordinary fresh milk 100ml was 3.9g and protein content was 3.4g; while Jersey milk 100ml had 4.9g milk fat content and 4.0g protein content; and ice blog 100ml milk fat content was 5.5g and protein content was 6.2g.


Without purification, the milk fat and protein content of Jersey milk can also be so high, and there is no doubt that its taste, mellow thickness and aroma are in fresh milk.

Are you thinking that Bing blog doesn't smell good? Drinking milk is nothing more than a mouthful of freshness. Compared with the ice blog to freeze and purify this step, Juanshan milk looks a lot fresh!


At the same time, what is special about Jersey milk is that its lactose content is not as high as ordinary milk, ordinary fresh milk 100ml lactose content is 5.2g, while Jersey milk 100ml milk fat content is 4.8g, we are familiar with the ice blog 00ml milk fat content is 8.3g, like to drink aroma mellow thickness, but worried about lactose high friends! Jersey milk can satisfy everyone!


Of course, now cafes begin to choose Jersey milk to make Dirty, in large part because the milk fat content of Jersey milk is "strong" to hold up the coffee liquid to form a good gradient layer, while the lactose content is low, and the sweetness of milk will not excessively dominate the overall taste of coffee.

So the code clerk made three cups of Dirty of different brands of milk by drying the espresso beans made from Yega red cherries and Honduran Shirley at 3:7. (this coffee bean is characterized by vanilla cream, soft berry acidity and nutty finish.)


The fragrant floor contestants can reflect the aroma of nutty vanilla cream in the blended coffee beans, but the berry-like acidity is masked, and the overall mellow feeling of the coffee and the mellow feeling of the milk itself can be felt in the gradual process, but the flavor level is not obvious.


Weipin contestants can reflect the acidity of berries and the flavor of vanilla cream, but it may be because the contestant's lactose is higher than fragrance, and the level of coffee and the sweetness of milk can be felt during the gradual change. the level of flavor is obvious but without a solid taste.

On the other hand, the ordinary fresh milk players are because the milk fat content is not high, the supporting capacity is weak, the overall performance of coffee is thin, and the flavor level is not strong.

Why is the Dirty layering not so obvious? Because the roasting of the mixed coffee beans is not very deep, the overall concentration of coffee is not particularly high in order to retain the flavor of vanilla cream and the acidity of berries during extraction, so there is no strong stratification sense of dirty that we see every day.

To be fair, the code clerk also made three hot lattes of different brands of milk and stirred them well to ensure that the milk and coffee were fully mixed before tasting.


Xiangman floor contestants in the heated milk is more obvious, and fully integrated with the coffee, the milk taste is too prominent, masking the taste of most of the coffee itself.


Only when the contestants are heated, the sweetness of the milk will be more obvious, and the coffee can be fully integrated without sugar to drink the sweet coffee, but the milk taste is still more obvious, and it takes fine taste to drink the coffee itself.


Although the ordinary fresh milk contestant is ordinary after heating, but after being fully integrated with the coffee, it does not steal the limelight of the coffee itself, so it has the aroma of nutty vanilla cream and slightly sweet and sour berries.

If you simply drink Jersey milk, the taste and its richness are really great! The overall taste of the fragrant Jersey milk is more solid, and the flavor of the milk will be more obvious. On the other hand, the overall taste of Jersey milk will be smoother, and the sweetness of milk will be more obvious. (this may be the gap between the north and the south.) ordinary fresh milk is more balanced as a whole and has no particularly prominent taste or taste.


Jersey milk is delicious! But it's not all right... Perhaps with a certain kind of coffee, it can not only highlight its own characteristic flavor, but also produce another unique flavor after blending with Jersey milk.

Is it special? Especially... Expensive! If you just buy a daily drink, it's still a good choice to be extravagant once in a while, but it's really not recommended to make milk coffee. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed if you don't find the coffee that matches Jersey milk perfectly.



"will you continue to evaluate other Jersey milk?"

"No, it's too expensive!"

Part of the picture source: Internet

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