Coffee review

The inner roll of coffee and milk tea fattens the supplier behind it!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As ordinary consumers, they are used to watching coffee and milk tea "kill each other", co-naming, pushing new products, price reduction and so on. The outflow of all kinds of news has enriched our lives. Big brands such as Xi Cha, Nai Xue, Starbucks and Lucky have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but few people will notice the supply behind them.

As ordinary consumers, they are used to watching coffee and milk tea "kill each other", co-naming, pushing new products, price reduction and so on. The outflow of all kinds of news has enriched our lives. Big brands such as Xi Cha, Nai Xue, Starbucks and Lucky have long been popular, but few people will pay attention to the suppliers behind them.


Since last year, a number of new tea and coffee suppliers have been listed on the market, including Hengxin Life, Field shares, Jiahe Foods, Polaroid Foods, Sanyuan Biology and so on.

Jiahe Food, founded in 2001, is the earliest listed consumer supplier, and its major customers are not only well-known beverage companies such as Unification and fragrance, but also new tea brands such as CoCo, Auntie, Gu Ming, Honey Ice City and so on.

This is followed by ternary organisms, a name that may be a little strange to end consumers. Since 2007, the company has focused on the industrial production of erythritol, a sugar substitute, mainly used as a filling sweetener in food and beverages. According to Sanyuan's prospectus, Yuanqi Forest is its number one customer and provides erythritol for Xicha, one of the new tea giants.


In addition to the companies that provide sugar substitutes, juice raw material suppliers have also made a lot of money under the popularity of new tea.

Founded in 2007, the company's products include raw juice, quick-frozen fruit cubes and fresh fruits. Tian Ye listed its new third board in 2015, but it was on the eve of a new consumer boom. By 2020, more new tea brands swarmed into Field's customer list, and Nai Xue became its second largest customer. In 2021, only Nai Xue, Tea Baidao, a little bit and Shanghai aunt these four brands contributed 56.49% of its business income.

In May this year, Hengxin Life submitted a prospectus for listing on the gem, intending to raise 828 million yuan. I believe there are many partners who are very strange to this enterprise, and familiar brands such as Luckin Coffee, Staples, Amazon, Xi Tea, Starbucks, Yihe Hall, McDonald's, Dexter, Honey Ice City, Manner Coffee, Burger King, Coco can Tea, Gu Ming, DQ and so on, all use the company to provide paper and plastic tableware. In 2021 alone, Heng Xin had annual revenue of 719 million yuan and sold 2.1 billion paper cups and plastic cups.


On July 6, Dexin Food disclosed its prospectus for listing on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Dexin Food's main products include beverage syrup and flavor syrup. It is one of the raw material suppliers of coffee and tea brands such as Luckin Coffee, Starbucks, Nai Xue and so on.

The rapid development of new tea has led to the rapid growth of upstream suppliers, and the soaring performance has promoted enterprises to quickly enter the capital market. Nai Xue shouted to return to the capital, Xi tea hovered in front of the listing threshold, new consumer goods in the terminal market facing the Red Sea competition, behind the suppliers made a lot of money and embarked on the road of collective listing.

Photo Source: Internet

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