Coffee review

Luckin Coffee co-signed the Line Dog! Lucky reverse marketing for Valentine's Day is really very manipulative, young people!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeex we say! Ruixing is really good at getting things done! Nowadays, Valentine's Day marketing is no longer popular.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

More fine coffee beans, please add private WeChat Qianjie Coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeex

That's what we're saying! Lucky really knows how to fix things! Valentine's Day marketing is no longer popular these days. Starting from last year's Qixi Festival, Lucky co-branded "Widow Frog", every time to these sweet festivals, Lucky will always take care of single people everywhere!


The year before last, single self-deprecating networks such as "Gu Gu" and "Peony" were all the rage. On Qixi Festival last year, Lucky went the opposite way, playing with sad frogs, letting netizens shout "Good heart, but I like it!"


Valentine's Day this year is no exception! Lucky not only co-signed the recently very hot "line dog," but also played a very popular talk show in the previous section, launched "thorn rose latte" and "Acacia red bean latte," Valentine's Day into a "single day" feeling!

As soon as the joint name came out, netizens were attracted by the limited bags and stickers! Who doesn't love something cute!


The line puppy can be said to be one of the essential members of the current girl WeChat emoticon package. The white dog Malzis is like us in life, often empty, sad, angry... but in front of a good friend/lover, it will become a state that likes to paste and can go crazy together.

Although the theme is "The Love Story of the Dog," Lucky does make steady use of reverse marketing. On the one hand, the name of the product is really sweet, and there is something wrong with it…On the one hand, the promotion is to use this year's Valentine's Day lucky to have a "dog"!


"Thorned rose" comes from He Guangzhi's self-teasing in last year's "Talk Show Exchange 4":"It seems that the more beautiful things are, the more cruel they are to the world. Every time I think of it, I suddenly realize that I am really a thorned rose." But this time the product is specially marked "This product does not have thorns", I hope everyone is like a rose without thorns, gentle and lovable.


"Acacia Red Bean" comes from Wang Weisi's "Acacia", symbolizing that I miss you! But! The biggest difference between real Acacia beans and red beans is that Acacia beans are poisonous…Eating them can be said to be poisoned by love.😂Of course, this product uses red bean syrup.

According to the survey, most of Ruixing's consumers are concentrated in the age group between 20 and 35, among which the number of single young people accounts for more than 60%. People are optimistic about being single, but they also want attention and are eager to express themselves.


From lonely frogs to thorny roses, we can see that young people nowadays accept their single status very highly, and at the same time enjoy their time alone very much, so there is a wave of single self-deprecation on the Internet.

Brands want to attract more young consumers, and conforming to young people's preferences is the best way. Moderately playing with the stem, causing young people to resonate, naturally will also get good results.

And Ruixing's reverse marketing is to properly grasp the hearts of the main customer groups. Originally should be sweet honey style, turned into a teasing style, for consumers to bring a certain sense of disobedience and not too much.

It will not only further strengthen consumers 'expectations for each theme and product, but also strengthen consumers' attention to brands. At the same time, the name of the product also gives young people an opportunity to express themselves.


Talk shows are hot because many of them are the current situation of young people, but few people will take the initiative to express them. The performers, on the other hand, help these young people "spit out" their lives in a humorous way. And the product is also, buy the product is not really because of taste, more is to give young people the opportunity to express themselves.

Image Source: Network