Coffee review

The average salary of the latest national baristas in 2023! Is there a promising career as a barista?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie coffee, WeChat account: qjcoffeex this week, Weibo highly discussed topics. There is nothing like the average monthly salary in all regions of the country. Root

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

Hot topics have been discussed on Weibo this week. There is nothing like the average monthly salary in all regions of the country. According to the Chinese Enterprise recruitment compensation report released by Zhaopin in the fourth quarter of 2022, the national average recruitment salary was 10558 yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.


After reading this report, netizens in various regions can't sit still one after another! Many netizens said that the proportion of people who can have such a monthly income in each region is at most 10-20%, while most of the other people's monthly income is only half of the data, or even less. After reading the report, the code clerk immediately searched the average monthly salary of baristas across the country.

According to data from 938822 samples of baristas directly employed by boss in the past year, the average monthly fee of baristas across the country in the past year was 4200 yuan. Statistics include 4 first-tier cities, 15 new first-tier cities and 30 second-tier cities.


Among them, the top 10 are: Shanghai 6024 yuan / month, Beijing 5756 yuan / month, Shenzhen 5246 yuan / month, Hangzhou 5183 yuan / month, Suzhou 4622 yuan / month, Nanjing 4923 yuan / month, Ningbo 4694 yuan / month, Guangzhou 4495 yuan / month, Jinhua 4428 yuan / month, Wuxi 4335 yuan / month.


Among them, the proportion of people under the age of 24 reached 78%, and those aged 25-29 accounted for 16%. Among them, those who worked for 1-3 years accounted for 77% of those who worked for 3-5 years, only 6%.


A previous survey of baristas predicted that the proportion of people aged 26 to 35 would be on the rise in 2022, even becoming the most populous age group. Baristas in the overall younger background, showing a gradual concentration of more mature age groups. In terms of salary, the proportion from 6000 yuan / month will increase.

However, judging from the distribution of most barista job seekers across the country in the past year, this forecast has not happened. On the contrary, more and more people of mature age have the choice of changing careers, more because of salary and development. Judging from the current average monthly salary, it is unable to meet the daily expenses of the mature age group.


The low income of baristas is almost a persistent disease in the industry. It can be said that the salary of baristas in the past ten years is very low, and they even have the feeling that if they do not advance, they will fall behind. On the surface, it seems to be growing every year, but the increase in daily expenses is like riding on a rocket, so more and more baristas are finding it harder and harder.

The coffee track is very hot, and the industry has become one of the main concerns of investors, and financing has also made chain brands speed up the expansion of their stores, making more and more consumers have the habit of consuming coffee. Then why is the average salary of baristas still so low? Because of the lack of professionalism and comprehensiveness.


Nowadays, there is such a phenomenon in coffee shop recruitment: chain stores that need a very large number of people do not take into account the professionalism of baristas, so the salary setting is usually not too high; and independent cafes that consider baristas' professionalism are not profitable as a whole because of the inclusion of independent cafes in recent years and the failure to adjust their mode of operation in a timely manner, so they are unable to pay more.

The low salary also makes the employment mobility of this industry very large, and there are very few people who can calm down to learn and understand in this trend and environment. Although there are many baristas, few of them are professional.


At the same time, because of this environment, more and more people think that baristas do not need much professionalism, as long as they can learn to make coffee, but this also limits people's opportunities for promotion. in the end, there are only two kinds of results: impulse to open a shop without really understanding the coffee industry & change careers.

Is it true that baristas have no room for promotion? Obviously not, because the whole industry chain is moving up, but there is no more comprehensive talent to join. Baristas are just a general term, and they can make more than coffee. Comprehensiveness includes not only technical value, but also commercial value and management value.


But at present, there are many coffee shops that recruit baristas according to the standard of a waiter, which only requires baristas to do it and does not require baristas to have ingenuity. At the same time, the industry is backward in the education and training of baristas, and the knowledge, product content and service content of baristas need to be updated.

It's like an infinite cycle, one link after another, and the status quo of baristas is closely linked to their salary. Did the barista really not break through this situation? Yes, but you can't just be loyal to coffee technology.

Too many people choose baristas because they like to drink coffee & like coffee. So when it became coffee, everyone was very persistent in showing themselves at the bar.


But the bar is like the boundary of the comfort circle, you will never know that there are so many interesting things in this industry. Although you have to face a lot of things you don't like, if you really like the coffee industry, if you want to continue to move forward in the coffee industry, and hope to get a higher-paying position, it is very important to step out of the bar.

Barista is just a general term. It can be a technician, an educator, or a businessman. But either way, if you want to have a higher return and salary, you can't do without professionalism.


(crooked, beside the point! )

No matter what you do, you should first build up your professionalism, and plan your future before you start the job, instead of taking it one step at a time.

Baristas are not without prospects, and baristas are not unprofitable. If you can put down the "beautiful" filter for baristas and understand the development of the whole industry in a down-to-earth manner, I believe everyone can always find a suitable position.

Photo Source: Internet