Coffee review

How to choose an Italian coffee machine to open a shop? is it worth buying a used coffee machine?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, It is no exaggeration to say that the equipment of today's coffee shop is like an arms race. If you have LaMarzocco, I will have Sanremo, and if you have EK43, I will have MazzerZM. Especially the coffee machine, in the eyes of many shopkeepers, coffee

It is no exaggeration to say that the equipment of today's coffee shop is like an arms race. If you have La Marzocco, I will have Sanremo, and if you have EK43, I will have Mazzer ZM.


In particular, the coffee machine, in the eyes of many shopkeepers, coffee machine is a facade, if the coffee machine is not high-grade, then it will be considered unprofessional. As a result, the launch of more than 100,000 high-looking double-headed machines and 30,000 to 40,000 high-looking single opportunities are considered to bring more turnover to the store.

Secondly, and most importantly, these brand-name machines are labeled "value-preserving". It is also the abacus of many coffee shop owners and would-be shopkeepers-even if I can't open the shop in the end, I can still sell the coffee machine back to the cost.

So does the coffee machine really keep its value? The answer is yes, and it is even possible to make money. For example, a friend of the code clerk ordered the hot mom mini after a random search on the Internet in 2018, which cost 2.8 weeks. Later, as a result of the epidemic, foreign production capacity failed to keep up, resulting in a direct rise of one week for new machines, and prices in the secondary market followed. If we sell it now, we can not only preserve its value, but also earn a little bit more.


It is precisely because of these real cases that many people believe that high-end brand coffee machines preserve their value, and from the current market, it is indeed slightly more valuable than other brands, but the overall price is also higher. And if you can buy now, when you want to sell, not necessarily, do not look at the future market according to historical experience.

Next, let's talk about the difference between the secondary market price and the price you actually sell. In case you really want to close down and sell the machine, you get a 30% discount after consulting the second-hand average price online. But what about the channels you sold? For shopkeepers who do not know the way inside, there are only two feasible channels, the first is to sell on the online second-hand platform, but if the price is falsely high, it is very difficult to sell, and the time cost is too high for the shopkeeper who is in urgent need of sale. therefore, you can only choose to find a second-hand coffee machine purchaser to pack and deal with your equipment, which will definitely be depressed. After all, the acquirer also wants to make money.

The code clerk also knew a friend who opened a coffee shop. He imported a spicy mom coffee machine originally, and it was more high-end than the common hot mom model on the market. Later, he wanted to transfer the coffee machine for some reason, referring to the second-hand price at that time. It was posted online, but it was still not sold for 4 months. In the end, I had to ask a local coffee maker buyer to pull it away, and the purchase price offered by the acquirer was lower than the linked bid price of 8k.


If you plan to buy a coffee maker in the near future, consider that those brand-new coffee makers are expensive and may not be in stock. I just want to consider the brand-name machines in the second-hand market. If you are not familiar with the structure of the machine, it is recommended to stay out of this muddy water.

The code clerk had such a friend who saw the hot mom Linea double-headed coffee machine sold at nearly half price on the Internet, and saw that the description and quality were very new, so he immediately ordered and picked up the goods for fear of missing it. As a result, after he got the machine, the shell was really new and could be used normally. But after a period of time, it was found that there was little water coming out of the coffee machine and it was very turbid. As a result, when I opened the shell, the boiler and copper tubes inside were all rusty, and the water inlet pipe had been blocked by a ditch.

Therefore, even if you know how to make coffee, the degree of understanding of the machine still belongs to Xiaobai friends, or do not easily consider the secondary market. And if you have the mentality of keeping your value-- you can sell it for a good price-- you can buy a high-end brand coffee machine. Then you might as well consider, according to your capacity, while trying to maintain the basic performance of making coffee, choose some coffee equipment that is not so strong in brand power and have an advantage in price, and the money saved will be used for the operation of the store, which may be better.
