Coffee review

The cafe offers heather latte?! Can heather be eaten? advantages and disadvantages

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeex spring and summer is the arrival of all things in full bloom, heather is no exception. As you all know

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

The arrival of spring and summer is a good time for all things to be in full bloom, and heather is no exception.

Do you know the flower language of heather? "lonely, dignified, dignified and dull" netizen: where is boring! Its fancy language is obviously yue...!


It is favored by urban greening, but it is frightening. It can be said that 9 out of 10 people can't help but "yue" the smell of spring-heather, which has been frequently searched recently. Apart from the fragrance of the flowers above and the inability of netizens to understand why it is so unpopular with local citizens, the urban greening department is indeed so fond of planting widely, and recently the coffee shop said that it would focus on the taste of spring, so it launched the heather latte.


-Misha Mica and Lan Guan are made as follows: first wash and mash the fresh heather, then pour in the fresh milk, and finally pour in the espresso.


-Misha Mica, Lan Guan, as the smell of heather is really too strong, one meter away smells fragrant, close up can smell shi shi, so for this cup of spring-flavored latte, in addition to yue or yue. Even some netizens who do not believe in evil immediately copied it and tried it, as a result. It has been arrived by yue before drinking it.


Some netizens also raised questions about whether heather is edible. How to say, in addition to the disadvantage of taste, heather is also of high medicinal value, mainly for the prevention of colds, the treatment of rheumatism, and anti-inflammatory effects, but only in the case of soaking water to drink. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, its other effect is so familiar. That is, eating directly can enhance the function of gastrointestinal peristalsis. Two days ago, a dietitian pointed out that some foods that can also enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis are not recommended to be eaten together. For example, olive oil is like an intestinal lubricant, while the caffeine and acidity in coffee can also stimulate the intestines and stomach, which can easily cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea.


The acidity of heather and coffee-caffeine also enhances gastrointestinal peristalsis, although it is non-toxic, but some sensitive friends of the stomach are not recommended to try. Secondly, the selected heather can not be picked directly from the green belt, because it is true! Yes! Very! Dirty! This kind of plant is widely used as a greening plant because it can absorb harmful gases and dust in the air and play a certain role in anti-pollution. If it is picked and eaten directly, it is not only dirty, but also really poisonous.


Photo source: network Misha Mica Lan Guan