Coffee review

Wow! Friends Cafe is real!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, ▲ Click to follow| Although it has been more than 20 years since it was launched, people all over the world who like this drama still remember Friends, which was once laughed at by domestic netizens as "the first drama of learning English." I believe that friends who like this drama must be familiar with the scenes in the drama.

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Although more than 20 years have passed since the beginning of the broadcast, people all over the world who like the show are still obsessed with it, and have been laughed at by domestic netizens as "Friends", which is "the first magic drama of learning English". I believe that friends who like this show are no stranger to the scenes, such as the small apartment in Manhattan, the orange sofa and the Central Park Cafe. For drama fans, these places carry a lot of memories about the show!

Recently, according to foreign media reports, Central Perk coffeehouse, the gathering place of the protagonists in the classic sitcom Friends, is coming to reality. Probably by the end of this year, the first Central Perk cafe in the United States will open at Newbury Street 205in Boston! Blessed are the fans in Boston! It is no longer a flash store, but a permanent store!


"Friends" tells the story of six young people living in Manhattan, New York, and describes their ten-year experience together. For a total of ten seasons, each episode of the play is like a moving love letter to New York.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Friends, Central Perk has opened pop-up stores in New York, Boston, California and other cities. After a brief stop in Boston's Fenway community at the end of 2019, it attracted a large number of fans to sign in, and it is said that the line at the door of the cafe can line up around the corner every morning.


Many netizens said they were looking forward to opening a permanent store, and at first everyone speculated that the first location of Central Perk Cafe should be located in New York, where the story takes place. But for some reason, Warner Bros. Global themed Entertainment Group, which runs the coffee shop, and CenPer Holdings agreed that Boston was a better place to open the first store than New York.


Central Perk will reproduce the coffee shop scene from Friends, with the same cup, orange sofa and bar, and invite well-known restaurant owners to design the menu. In addition to playing the love card, Central perk also played a boutique coffee subscription model. Customers can sit on the iconic orange sofa and use their mobile phones to order a cup of coffee online.


The names of the coffee sold in the store are carefully designed according to the lines of Friends characters! For example, joey's line "How You Doin?" belongs to medium baking, "Pivot Blend" belongs to medium-deep baking, and the most classic "We Were on a" Coffee "Break" belongs to deep baking.



To quote a favorite sentence in the play: "Welcome to the real worldview it sucks.You're gonna love it." For fans, Central perk Cafe is an extension of the Chinese restaurant in Friends and the soul of this classic series.

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