Coffee review

What's the essential difference between latte, cappuccino and aubergine? Can white make ice?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, All along, everyone will habitually compare Australian white with latte, eh! Did you forget about the classic cappuccino? So in this article, we will pull out these three coffees to make a comprehensive comparison! Latte comes from the Italian word Latte, which means milk, and adds Italian espresso.

For a long time, everyone is used to comparing Australian white and latte, ah! Did you forget that there is a classic cappuccino? So in this article, we will take out these three kinds of coffee to make a comprehensive comparison!


The word "latte" comes from the Italian word for Latte, and with the addition of Italian concentrate, it becomes a popular milk coffee. Because milk accounts for more, reducing the concentration of coffee, so latte has become the first contact with most friends to try espresso. It can be said that the latte suitable for all ages is the first step for everyone to step into the field of coffee!


Cappuccino is derived from the color of milk foam and concentrated, much like the dark robes worn by monks, so people named coffee "Cappuccino" after this dress at that time. Although cappuccino and latte are the most popular Italian milk coffee, latte is not a unique Italian coffee drink, while cappuccino is authentic Italian coffee.


The original name of "Australian White" is actually "Flat white". It is a local feature formed after Italian coffee was introduced into Australia. Australian baristas have studied and improved the original Italian system into a cup of coffee that is now suitable for Australian locals. The cup size of Australia and White has always been very controversial, and different places have different understandings of it. Until recently, people almost acquiesced that Australia White was a small cup of coffee.


The essential difference between the three kinds of coffee 1. Let's start with the size of the cup. According to the previous street production standards, the latte is the largest of the three cups, using a wide-mouthed ceramic cup with 300ml capacity (the wider the better! Try a large bowl. Cappuccino is a narrow-mouthed ceramic cup of 240ml, while the narrow-mouthed glass of 240ml is the same in Australia and White.


Second, the coffee latte is composed of 40ml's double espresso plus 260ml's steam milk and milk bubbles; cappuccino is also composed of 40ml's double espresso, plus 170ml's steam milk and thick milk bubbles; Australia White is slightly different, using only the front and middle of the extraction of double Italian concentrate (30ml), plus 190ml's steam milk and thin milk bubbles.


Third, the thickness of milk foam has always been an important feature of these three types of coffee, whether it is teaching videos or coffee-related books will emphasize it. Of the three, Australia White's milk foam is the thinnest, only about 0.3 centimeters. When poured out, the liquid surface is basically level with the cup, hence the name "flat White Coffee". After the thinnest title of the latte was deprived by Australia White, can only come to the middle position. The thickness of about 0.5 cm is very suitable for flower drawing, smooth and high fusion, while the cappuccino is the thickest, and the thickness of about 1.5 cm is characterized by "11 points full", which means that the milk foam of the cappuccino will be higher than the cup, showing a "hamburger shape" during deep baking and steaming. (the front street uses glasses to make a more intuitive comparison.)


Fourth, taste distinction between the three actually belong to milk coffee, the use of espresso and milk mixed coffee drinks. But the essence they embody is different.


Lattes, for example, are dominated by the use of large amounts of milk to neutralize the bitterness of the coffee to present a soft cup of coffee. The taste of milk will be more prominent, but not abrupt, this is because the flavor of coffee and milk can be perfectly integrated, each other will not hide each other's taste, which makes the latte audience is very wide. Cappuccino mainly highlights a dense and full taste, thanks to the rich and delicate foam of milk, which is particularly smooth when mixed with coffee. It will have a stronger coffee flavor than a latte because cappuccino uses less milk and does not dilute coffee concentration too much, so it is relatively strong and more suitable for people who use coffee to refresh themselves. If you want to drink a cup of sweeter and more full-bodied coffee, the first choice must be Australia White! Extraction as long as the front and middle of the concentration almost no bitterness, moderate temperature of a small amount of milk only in order to better set off the sweetness of coffee, very sweet, rich! But not bitter! This is also one of the reasons why it has become a star product in the past two years.


It is worth mentioning that in the traditional practice of these three types of coffee, only lattes have ice styles, while the other two have only hot ones. Although there are iced cappuccino products on the market, they are all developed by later people in order to satisfy consumers to have more choices. Then why is there no one to develop the ice style for Australia White? Probably the ice style already has "drity" to replace its function. -END-

Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
