Coffee review

Do you feel insulted when you order?! The tea face is pleasant and has responded!

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, According to boiling Point News, on Sept. 20, a netizen in Changsha, Hunan Province said that there was a line of more than a dozen people to buy tea-colored milk tea while waiting at the airport, but it took nearly 50 minutes to get the product, complaining that its marketing method was unreasonable. According to Mr. Wu, the customer: I thought I was waiting in line to scan the code to order, but I was not allowed to wait until I was in line.

According to boiling point news report, On September 20, Hunan Changsha netizens said in the airport waiting period to buy tea color milk tea, More than ten people team five, But the queue took nearly 50 minutes to get the product, Tucao its marketing method is unreasonable. According to Mr. Wu, the customer, he thought he was queuing to scan the code and order food. He waited until he was told that he needed to pay for the meal code on the other side, and then queued up to scan the code to get the meal. He had to queue up again because he had made the wrong queue. As a result, it took nearly fifty minutes to get the milk tea. I think this kind of marketing method seems to be deliberately creating a lot of scenes, such as IQ tax, which is very unpleasant.


The incident caused heated discussion on the Internet, some netizens said that "tea has been doing very slowly, deliberately creating a situation where more people queue up","the new order mode is very weak, to queue up to pay for drinks","people have to wait for half an hour when there are few people","very inconvenient" and some netizens said "only some stores are like this","think this is a marketing method, create a phenomenon of multi-person queuing".


In fact, on September 8, poison seconds finance reported, tea color launched a new rule for ordering cups, asked tea color, customer service said, this is the recently launched new rule, at present only some stores are testing. Write-off is the order and cup taking scheme previously launched by Tea Beauty. After ordering, customers need to queue up in the dining area. After write-off, they can do it again.


Tea color has changed the order number rules many times, many consumers complain about buying a cup of milk tea and "keep learning rules". In response to this, the staff said, because there is a layer of milk foam on the milk tea, put for a long time milk foam melt, taste will be worse, in order to give customers a freshest, plump state of milk foam,"absorb more suggestions, so there may be some rules to change the cup."

Netizens said one after another,"There is a serious illness, that is, important people stand in line and wait","A milk tea shop has a lot of shit","The experience is very poor","This year you can place an order on your mobile phone, but his family still has to stand in line, what a big shelf","It is not necessary to drink","Drinking a cup of queue for an hour, pure waste of time"


When Mini programs are enabled for self-service ordering of other milk tea drinks, the activity stores with pleasant tea colors do not support self-service ordering of Mini programs, so you need to queue up at the store to order, and two teams will appear after arriving offline, one is queuing to order, and the other is queuing for food. This allows consumers to wait in line for a long time, and once they leave the line, they have to queue again.


This practice also led to a number of queuing topics on micro bo hot search, at that time tea color response is a small-scale test and a period of 3 days, after which will resume the previous order to take meals. However, up to now, some stores are still implementing the way of queuing to the store, which has caused many consumers 'dissatisfaction and feels that it is intentionally creating the phenomenon of multi-person queuing.


At 11:00 a.m., the official customer service said that it was not to create a scene with a lot of people in the store. The receipt reminded the consumer that after ordering the order, they would have to go to the dining area next to them to write off the production. They could arrange according to their own time. It was also OK to drink when they came back. There might be places that needed improvement. They would continue to pay attention to it and continue to optimize it.

To this, netizens have said, since "order can go, why queue for food???" "Can't you queue up to buy it directly?""Queue up first to get the meal code, and queue up to get the meal code. What a waste of time!" It can be seen from this, tea Yan Yue color response and failed to convince the majority of netizens.


What do you guys think about this?