Coffee review

What do the practices and characteristics of Spanish lattes and the origin of Spanish lattes have to do with Vietnamese Didi coffee?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, "Ice blog", is a use of purification process, the milk contains protein, fat, lactose and other important substances separately "lift" out of a milk! It will taste more mellow and sweeter than milk. But today's protagonist is not it! It is similar to the idea of Bingbo, but a different kind of milk.

"Ice blog", is a use of purification process, the milk contains protein, fat, lactose and other important substances separately "lift" out of a milk! It will taste more mellow and sweeter than milk. But today's protagonist is not it! It is similar to the idea of Ice blog, but a more alternative dairy product-condensed milk, which is also known as the "condensed version" of milk.


Condensed milk is made roughly as follows: the moisture in fresh milk is removed, and its volume is refined to the original range of 25% to 40%, eventually forming an extremely viscous "milk concentrate", and because the lactose in the milk is also concentrated, so even a small spoonful can make you feel very sweet (but most condensed milk is sweet because of extra sugar). That's it, that's right! What I want to share today is the coffee made of condensed milk-Spanish latte!


Spanish latte% Arabica first set off the craze of Spanish latte in China, this milk coffee with condensed milk gained a lot of love as soon as it was launched, and became a star product of the store.


But the history of the Spanish latte remains elusive, because you can hardly see the option "Spanish latte" on the menu in Spanish cafes. It's all Caf é Bomb ó n, a high concentration coffee made only from condensed milk and Italian concentrate. Instead, it is thousands of kilometers away in Saudi Arabia, where the menu of cafes can roughly see the option of Spanish latte!


The reason why the Spanish latte is so popular in Arabia is that it is more suitable for young people who are exposed to hot weather all the year round. Compared to bitter black coffee, they still prefer milk coffee with higher sweetness, and condensed milk will be more natural and comfortable than ordinary sweetened lattes. Even as an iced coffee, it is not inferior in taste, and the mellow feeling of condensed milk is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which is enough to make the Spanish latte popular among Arabs.


Others say that the Spanish latte is derived from Didi Coffee in Vietnam. This sentence is not unreasonable, the first is that the Spanish latte does not have the characteristics of any Spanish country except the word "Spain". The second is because Spain, like other European countries, is a big consumer of coffee, but it does not grow coffee. 1/3 of Spain's total coffee imports come from Vietnam every year. This also makes people wonder about the relationship between them.


But in fact, the Spanish latte evolved from Caf é Bomb ó n (candy coffee). So more precisely, it should be Spain's Caf é Bomb ó n, more like Didi Coffee. Vietnam is a big producer of coffee beans, but its main bean seed is Robusta, so that although the coffee consumed by the local people is rich in oil, it tastes very bitter and needs a certain amount of sugar to blend. Condensed milk is a good choice. Then Didi Coffee with Vietnamese characteristics was born!


The method of making condensed milk is to pour condensed milk into a cup, then put a drip filter containing coffee powder on the cup, pour into hot water, cover it, and then just wait for the coffee liquid to finish filtering before you can stir and drink! Caf é Bomb ó n is slightly different from it in that the coffee beans used in Spain are of better quality Arabica seed, extracted by pressurized extraction (espresso) by an Italian coffee machine, and then combined with condensed milk at 1:1 to get a clear hierarchy of Caf é Bomb ó n!


Stir before drinking, the taste is extremely mellow and silky! And the bitterness of coffee is not much different from that of Didi coffee in nature. Condensed milk is used to reconcile the bitterness of coffee, but the varieties and extraction methods of coffee are different. But not everyone can accept the sweet Caf é Bomb ó n, which gives rise to Spanish lattes, which use milk as a buffer to make condensed milk less sweet. And because of condensed milk, the whole latte has been upgraded to a certain extent, which can be said to complement each other, so finally let Qianjie bring a more unique Spanish latte!


Alternative Spanish latte making first we still need to make a regular Spanish latte! Prepare a 400ml cup and put 80g of ice in it.


Then pour in 150ml's milk and extract a concentrated portion. (the front street uses 19g coffee powder extract 38ml concentrate)


Add 25ml condensed milk to the extracted concentrate and stir well.


As long as you pour the stirred espresso into the cup, it's a regular Spanish latte, but! What we do today is slightly different. We need to add a common seasoning-"salt", mix it into a concentrate, and then pour it into a cup.


Adding a little salt can sublimate the whole latte and make it richer! As everyone's taste is different, Qianjie suggests adding 0.1g salt each time until it is adjusted to suit your own taste. (apply condensed milk on the inside of the cup wall before making, it will have a better visual effect.)



Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
