Coffee review

Lucky employees complain about the process of closing shop.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop recently, a Ruixing employee on the social platform posted that he wanted to file a complaint against his own company Ruixing. I learned in the post that there are a lot of troublesome rules for working in Ruixing, and many rules and practices make employees feel superfluous and affect work efficiency.

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Recently, a Ruixing employee on the social platform posted that he wanted to file a complaint against his own company. I learned in the post that there are many troublesome rules for working in Ruixing, and many rules and practices make employees feel superfluous and affect work efficiency, but feedback to the company is fruitless and feel that the company does not attach importance to the problem.


According to the employee, their store needs to take out the materials to take pictures when it opens and closes every morning, and for light snacks, it needs to take a video and put it back after it is done. You have to go back to the store in advance to open the shop in the morning, and it is even more troublesome when you close the shop in the evening. At least it takes more than half an hour to take pictures of the materials and then return to the position, and you can't do it in advance. You have to wait until after the shop closes, resulting in working overtime almost every day, and there is no overtime pay for these overtime.


The post caused a lot of heated discussion, and a number of lucky employees also said that they had had the same experience. According to this group of workers, the main reason for the regulations on taking photos and video uploads when opening early and closing stores is that some employees have sold expired things in the past, resulting in the company paying very strict attention to the expiration date of materials. Moreover, many stores only arrange one person to be on duty when they close at night, which undoubtedly increases the workload of the night shift, so it leads to people's dissatisfaction that "the new standard of closing shop duty is really disgusting". It's really crazy, and a lot of the process is for taking pictures.


The purpose of this is for food safety and monitoring the expiration date, which can prevent employees from keeping expired food, but many employees feel that the frequency is too high and the lack of manpower has led to dissatisfaction.


Another point is the just-in-time rate, which means that after the customer places an order, the time for making the drink does not exceed the specified time. The staff said that "in the rush hour, they have to come out separately to finish the production, and the customers come and ask as soon as they receive the message." actually, it's not finished at all.


In fact, in the final analysis, it is not a matter of a day or two for these internal employees to ask questions, and many posts of complaints can be found on social platforms, but employees send out a feeling that the company does not attach importance to these issues. I feel that the leaders in the office lack communication with the employees. Many employees say that the company will only say that they have received feedback, but they just turn a deaf ear to their leaders. Some employees said, "No wonder there have been a lot of poor reviews on the service attitude recently, and the employees are full of grievances. The company does not treat the employees as human beings. How can the employees serve the guests attentively?"


Therefore, this also leads to the high turnover rate of Lucky's employees, and the large number of departures will also lead to problems such as understaffing in many stores and inadequate training for new employees. The problem is not easy to solve, just like a snowball getting bigger and bigger. Now Ruixing has more than 13,000 stores, and now many employees have reflected problems. I hope Ruixing can pay attention to these problems.

Photo Source: Internet

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