Coffee review

How should I drink espresso?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, When many friends enter a coffee shop for the first time, they will be so bewildered by the various options on the menu that they may end up with a cup of Italian concentrate by mistake. It is conceivable that due to the small amount of concentrated liquid and high concentration, many friends will wear "pain noodles" when they come into contact for the first time.

When many friends enter a coffee shop for the first time, they will be so bewildered by the various options on the menu that they may end up with a cup of Italian concentrate by mistake.


It is conceivable that due to the small amount of concentrated liquid and high concentration, many friends will wear a "pain mask" when they come into contact for the first time, thus putting it on the blacklist. But in fact, just because you don't taste the concentrate in the right way, it's either bitter fat or the thin, irritating taste of the concentrate. And when you learn how to taste a cup of Italian concentrate, it will be extremely pleasing and fascinating (probably). So, how should we taste espresso? Italian concentrated "Espresso" is a small cup of coffee obtained by pressurized and rapid extraction from an Italian coffee machine. From many angles, it is a kind of drink which is closer to red wine in terms of drinking method. Therefore, Qianjie will divide it into three parts: "color, fragrance and taste". Analyze and concentrate from these three aspects, so that friends can better feel the beauty of concentration!


First of all, let's take a look at whether this concentrated cup has an attractive appearance, that is, the golden grease on the surface, because it is the soul of the whole cup of espresso.


Crema is a combination of carbon dioxide, insoluble oils, and aromatic substances! The quality of the oil largely determines the taste and taste of the concentrate. Therefore, it is very important to concentrate with rich and delicate oil! When this cup of concentrated oil is rich and delicate, then we must ingest it when tasting the concentrated oil, so that the fat with cream and honey texture can wrap our tongue and mouth and enjoy silkiness! The concentrated oil made from shallow baked beans will taste relatively weak. It can be said that the first impression of aroma is also very important. It is also a ticket to decide whether you want to try it or not. But espresso is not as fragrant as hand-brewed coffee. its aroma spreads less, and we need to put our nose close to the cup to smell the volatile aroma it emits.


Espresso made with traditional deep-baked beans will have a strong nutty, chocolate and creamy aroma, through which you can think of Oreo biscuits and buttered toast. Or cream cake ~ the espresso made from novel shallow baked beans will have a completely different aroma, light floral aroma, bright fruit acidity, very attractive! Taste this is the hardest part of concentration! Because in the initial experience, we basically only feel the concentrated bitter and exciting taste.


But in fact, it is not so bad, taste carefully you will find that it will have a strong nutty, dark chocolate, caramel taste! As the coffee is swallowed thoroughly, we will feel the lasting sweetness of the coffee that stays in the mouth, also known as Yuyun! On the whole, people have a kind of colorful black general feeling, which is very good! So, how to drink concentrate? First of all, let's take a sip of concentrated ice water to clean up the odor in our mouth.


Then, stir and concentrate with a spoon and mix the oil with the coffee liquid evenly.


Put your nose close to the cup, smell its aroma, then gulp into the coffee and use your tongue to feel the concentrated touch.


After drinking, continue to close your mouth and exhale, feel the aftertaste and aroma brought by concentration. At this point, it is the whole process of tasting and concentrating! But remember, concentrated in the production of 25 seconds, is its golden taste period. After this period of time, its aroma and oil will gradually dissipate, and with the decrease of temperature, its acidity will become more and more acute, so drink as soon as possible.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
