Coffee review

Call yourself Starbucks joint service station, Nestl é: fake!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop in September this year, an article in the coffee workshop mentioned that on social media, many netizens found that there was a coffee shop named "STARPERCOFFEE", whether it was the front door, brand logo, space display, or drinks on the menu.

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In September, an article in the coffee shop mentioned that on social media, many netizens found a coffee shop called STARPER COFFEE, which is very similar to Starbucks in terms of door, brand logo, space furnishings, drinks and prices on the menu.


After investigation, it is found that such stores are not owned by Starbucks, and there is a saying that these brands are Starbucks service stores managed by Nestl é. In response, Nestl é officials replied to the media by email: "STARPER" trademark registrant Caitar supply chain (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. does not have any contractual relationship with Nestl é (including authorized distributors), and the company's trademark infringement has been transferred to the Starbucks China team.

However, with the passage of time, instead of disappearing, more and more branches have been opened. In the location of stores, they will specially stagger with authentic Starbucks stores, specializing in small counties in many places across the country, such as Urumqi in Xinjiang, Xizang in Lhasa, Qingyang County in Chizhou, Anhui, Sanming in Fujian, Xichang in Sichuan, and so on, with layout of tourist attractions, campuses and markets.


According to netizens'"sign-in" views, in addition to the English name of "STARPER COFFEE", individual signs have large green mermaid logos, highly engraved original coffee menus, cups printed with the words "Starbucks Coffee Service", and some branches even sell around Starbucks. It is easy to find it strange that there is such a high degree of overlap and Starbucks has not responded directly.

Faced with questions that are highly similar to Starbucks stores, the boss webcast contacted the staff of several STARPER COFFEE stores on November 10th. The other party responded that they were joint service stations of Nestl é and Starbucks, selling only some of Starbucks' products. When asked if it was a Starbucks store, the clerk said, "We only know that we are a coffee service point, not a direct store." Because we are in a small county town, there is no way to open a direct store. "


For this explanation, the reporter also contacted the official customer service of Nestl é, who said that the business with Starbucks is the office coffee corner, and the store decoration will only show "Starbucks coffee service" and will not have the "STARPER" logo.


In fact, Nestl é responded on the official account a few days ago as to whether such stores are real or not.

On Nov. 8, the Wechat official account of Nestl é's professional catering drinks issued a solemn statement, saying that consumers and franchisees should pay attention to the even false information about the introduction and promotion of Starbucks ®Coffee Service by third parties outside Nestl é.


With regard to the Starbucks ®Coffee Service project, Nestl é added: at present, it does not open any form of franchise and agency, there is no form of brand co-operation, and direct authorization of dealers is not allowed to carry out any form of sub-authorization. Nestl é also directly named Kathar supply chain (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Bohang supply chain Management Co., Ltd. are not authorized distributors of Nestle's Starbucks ®Coffee Service project.

According to APP, the supply chain of Kata and Jiangsu Bohang mentioned by Nestl é in the statement was established in 2021 and both applied for trademarks similar to STARBUCKS this year. Kata supply chain applied for the trademark "STARPER", while Jiangsu Bohang applied for the trademarks "STARKAY COFFEE" and "SHARPER". At present, the above trademarks are waiting for substantive examination.



The recent emergence of this batch of "STARPER" coffee stores, focusing on the small town market that Starbucks has not yet touched, directly applies the word "Starbucks coffee service" to its products, and the truth remains to be further explained.

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