Coffee review

SCA released the rules and regulations of the WBC World Barista Competition 2024, with minor changes in content.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, SCA recently released the latest rules and regulations of the 2024 World Barista Competition, with minor changes in the rules. According to SCA, the rule changes focus on subtle language clarification of current decisions around judgments, conflicts of interest and milk choices, as well as updated sensory aspects of espresso evaluation

SCA recently released the latest rules and regulations of the 2024 World Barista Competition, with minor changes in the rules. According to SCA, the rule changes focus on subtle language clarification of current decisions around judgment, conflicts of interest and milk choices, as well as updating the tactile experience section of the espresso evaluation.


In terms of judgment and conflict of interest, a subtle language supplement has been made:

WBC judges are not allowed to coach in WBC competitions. If the registered judges guide or provide feedback to any participant in any capacity (whether as head coach, assistant coach or consultant), they must declare this conflict of interest prior to the competition and during the calibration. Failure to declare a conflict of interest may disqualify contestants. Once the competition begins or the judges begin to calibrate, during this period, there shall be no communication in any form between the judges and the contestants. If you do not comply with this rule during the event, you will be disqualified and the judges will be disqualified.


Summary of changes

From the beginning of the competition organization to plan their activities, the coordinator or individual participating in the competition management of the competition organization shall not participate in the competition. (they believe that competition management agencies had better focus on supporting communities, competitions and other activities without potential conflicts of interest.)

Coffee is the accumulation of baking products of fruits and seeds of coffee plants. Coffee beans used in the competition shall not contain any additives, such as flavors, pigments, spices, aromatic substances, liquids, powders, etc.


In the choice of milk, there is a clearer explanation:

1. All unseasoned milk available on the market can be used. You can use ordinary plant milk or animal milk.

two。 Allow commercial milk to be mixed and prepared as required (for example, commercial milk powder can be used and prepared according to the instructions on the package). However, no matter which kind of milk is chosen, the milk must not contain any additives.

3. Contestants can remove certain elements from commercial milk (for example, by frozen distillation), provided that no ingredients or additives are used in the distillation process.


WBC sensory score scale 2024 (part)

In the evaluation of espresso, the tactile sensation of coffee leaving the mouth will be considered in the tactile experience (for example, astringent, silky) and separated from the afterrhyme score.

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