Coffee review

Why do lattes sometimes have zigzag lines? What should I do if I can't beat the foam well?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, "pull flowers can not be pushed out of shape, there are sawtooth lines from time to time." it is believed that these two situations will happen to friends who make pull flower coffee from time to time. Generally speaking, friends who encounter this situation will blame themselves for the problem, but even after making adjustments, "zigzag lines" still appear as usual. So that means these friends didn't

"pull flowers can not be pushed out of shape, there are sawtooth lines from time to time." it is believed that these two situations will happen to friends who make pull flower coffee from time to time.

Generally speaking, friends who encounter this situation will blame themselves for the problem, but even after making adjustments, "zigzag lines" still appear as usual. Then it shows that these friends did not find the root of the problem and improved the wrong place! Therefore, Qianjie recommendation can be observed from the following points to see if it meets its own conditions for making "zigzag lines" and can be improved!

First, the coffee beans are too fresh. If they are made continuously for a long time, then we can first observe the roasting date of the coffee beans. If the beans have only been roasted for a day or two, the huge amount of carbon dioxide in the beans has not been emitted in time. When you are making Italian style, the rich carbon dioxide in these freshly roasted beans will be pressed into the oil during the Italian pressurized extraction process, and the resulting espresso will contain more oil than the conventional concentrated (cultivated state).

Although the grease is very thick, it is not the smooth and delicate grease we need, because it is very rough, thick and poor fluidity! Therefore, this will directly cause us in the production of flower patterns, milk foam can not push away this layer of grease, resulting in "zigzag lines" or can not push out of the heart! The solution is very simple, raise the beans for a few days, let it discharge part of the carbon dioxide from the body, so that you can get the delicate oil suitable for flower pulling! And without the hindrance of carbon dioxide, the flavor will be fuller!

Second, milk foam thinned this is the second kind of easy to appear "zigzag" situation! The fluidity of milk foam is too thin to form a stable pattern! For example, Australia White is the hardest hit area of such accidents, because the milk foam it needs is relatively thin, and it is difficult for many friends to control it. As a result, although the milk foam is thin, it is rough, so if it is not properly controlled, there will be "zigzag lines".

Therefore, if the foam is too thin, we can appropriately prolong the air intake time of the foam (that is, the stage at the beginning of the nourishing sound), and if it is not delicate enough, increase the playing time (that is, the swirling stage after the bubble). In order to reduce the occurrence of "zigzag lines". That's right! Xiaobai friends don't have to worry too much about thickening milk bubbles. After all, thick milk bubbles can be reduced by removing some of them, and then control learning can be carried out after getting proficient.

Third, the milk temperature is too high when the temperature is too high (more than 70 °C), it will cause the original delicate milk foam can not bear the heat, become rough! When this happens, there is usually a hint: the sound of sending away the foam has changed from a "bared" low sound to a shrill sound. Too high temperature of milk foam will not only make the pattern easy to appear zigzag pattern, but also get: milk foam defoaming quickly, sweetness greatly reduced, affecting the taste and other negative situations!

Therefore, Qianjie recommends that the temperature of milk foam be controlled in the range of 55 °C to 65 °C. Just can stimulate the lactose of milk, make the whole cup of coffee more sweet! The second is to reduce the occurrence of "zigzag lines". Of course, it is best to put the milk in the refrigerator in advance and lower the temperature before passing the time, so that you can have more time to pass the time and reduce the occurrence of negative factors such as thinning, overheating and poor fusion.


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