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If the fight against counterfeiting fails, the copycat wins the lawsuit!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop remember Ruixing's counterfeiting case in August last year? Here comes the latest development! According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, on December 1, the Central Court of intellectual property Rights and International Trade of Thailand announced a verdict on the trial of Luckin Coffee Company of China against Royal Thailand 5.

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Do you still remember Ruixing's fraud case in August last year? Here comes the latest development! According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, on December 1, the Thai Central Court of intellectual property and International Trade announced the final trial in the case of China's Luckin Coffee Company suing Thailand's Royal 50R Group (50R group) for trademark copyright infringement-- the verdict against China's Luckin Coffee Company, which was executed immediately.

It is reported that Thailand Royal 50R Group is a Thai local enterprise engaged in retail, catering, new energy, real estate and other diversified management, with the background of the Thai royal family and military government. The Ruixing brand trademark owned by its subsidiary, Thailand Luckin Coffee Co., Ltd. is legally registered in the Thai Commercial Hall, and now it has developed and operated more than a dozen Ruixing coffee shops in Thailand. In February 2021, some netizens posted that they had drunk Ruixin in Thailand and thought Rui Rui had attacked the Thai market so quickly. Unexpectedly, it was a fake lucky! Apart from the fact that the menu is bilingual in both Chinese and Thai, and the color and direction of the deer logo are reversed, the other designs look no different from those of Zhenruixing, which is simply the "true and fake Monkey King" of the coffee industry.

In August 2022, Luckin Coffee issued a statement saying: Luckin Coffee did not open a store in Thailand. The lucky store in Thailand is a fake store. The store "look at the deer to the left" logo and the direct use of the luckincoffee name have caused serious harm to the Lucky brand. Fortunately, the relevant departments have taken legal measures to deal with it. Today, the real lucky case, which lasted for about a year, ended in a genuine defeat. In fact, long before the verdict came out, some people predicted that it would be difficult for Rui to win. According to a person familiar with the matter, although many people know that Thailand Ruixing is a so-called "fake store", it can open a store normally because it first applied for a trademark in Thailand and complies with the local law in Thailand. This may also be the main reason why Luckin Coffee lost the case this time. Coincidentally, the pleasant tea face has also encountered similar incidents of overseas trademark preemptive registration. In 2018, a student who was born in Changsha and went to South Korea opened a shop after registering a pleasant trademark in South Korea. In this regard, the tea face is also very helpless, said: we already know that the other party's behavior is legal, we have no right to interfere. Going back to the Lucky case, industry insiders analyzed that the company Lucky sued had a royal and military background, and some uncontrollable factors could not be ruled out in the litigation process. However, from the perspective of intellectual property protection, lucky and pleasant precedents have also provided some experiences and lessons for the overseas layout of Chinese enterprises, and even sounded the alarm: "as more and more Chinese enterprises launch internationalization strategies, such cases and disputes will further increase, which reminds domestic enterprises to make intellectual property protection stronger, more refined and more thorough." Up to now, Luckin Coffee has not made a response or statement on the loss of the trademark infringement case. How will Ruixing deal with the loss of the trademark copyright infringement case? How will the coffee market in Southeast Asia and even Thailand be laid out in the future? Let's wait and see!

Photo Source: Internet

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