Coffee review

Vegetable market coffee + 1! Netizen: after drinking stir-frying, there is nothing to lose!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, In the past two days, "Green Pepper Latte" frequently appeared in the hot search. The reason is that a coffee shop in Shanghai has launched a latte with green pepper as a container, which sells for 9.9 yuan a cup, attracting many people to sign in. Some consumers even bring colored peppers to chain coffee stores and ask the staff to make green pepper lattes in the form of "bring their own cups".

In the past two days, "Green Pepper Latte" frequently appeared in the hot search. The reason is that a coffee shop in Shanghai has launched a latte with green pepper as a container, which sells for 9.9 yuan a cup, attracting many people to sign in. Some consumers even bring their own colored peppers to chain coffee stores and ask staff to make green pepper lattes in the form of "bring their own cups".

The clerk of the relevant coffee shop said that the green pepper latte uses ordinary round peppers. As can be seen from the videos posted online, the method of making a green pepper latte is very simple. After the clerk washed the green pepper, he cut off the head of the green pepper with a knife, emptied the seeds inside, then poured in the coffee liquid and milk, and used a plastic cup to support the bottom of the whole cup of coffee.

In fact, this is not the first time that such an inspired combination as "Green Pepper + Latte" has appeared. before that, some coffee lovers have developed a lot of coffee drinks, such as parsley lattes, octopus lattes and other products, which only you can't think of. no barista can't do it. But what is on the hot search this time is a resident product, which has sold 86% in the past six months on the life service platform, and now the system shows that more than 1000 people want to buy the product. The shop owner said that after the green pepper latte became popular on the Internet, the store also began to explode. It used to be that the shop smelled of coffee, but now it is full of green peppers. You have to buy hundreds of jin of green peppers a day.

What does the green pepper latte taste like? The shopkeeper wrote in the remarks: fresh green peppers as utensils, take a sip, have coffee taste, milk flavor, and green pepper flavor.

Some customers who have bought green pepper lattes say:

When you get to the last few mouthfuls, chew a few mouthfuls of green pepper, which tastes wonderful.

Although it has the taste of green pepper, it is not full-bodied and the overall taste is crisp and unique.

As the topic became hot, netizens also came out to make fun of:

Can every green pepper be the same size? Can "pepper" be a friend? Green pepper can also be taken back to stir-fry, a good taste is not wasted.

Coffee can cater to the market, but there is no need to cater to the vegetable market, right?

I have to say that ordinary coffee can no longer satisfy citizens who rely on coffee to "survive". Only a cup of creative coffee with extraordinary innovation and variety can win everyone's attraction.

Taking a detailed look at the hot topics related to coffee since the beginning of this year, we can see that many brands have made every effort to fight a low-price war, constantly expanding sales channels, joint marketing, and independent coffee stores often "roll" new products. as a result, the coffee categories and consumption patterns presented to consumers are becoming more and more diverse. And this novel product has become a resident product in coffee shops. I believe that in such a "volume" environment, there will be more novelty-seeking products in the coffee market in the future.