Coffee review

There are always more ways than cold wind! Expand the use of packing bags!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, 2023 there are three days left. Have you made a year-end summary to see how much milk tea and coffee you have bought this year? Some friends may not even need to open the takeout software, just look at the accumulated number of bags to estimate how much they have drunk this year. But there are also friends who have headaches, from various coffee shops and milk tea shops.

2023 there are three days left. Have you made a year-end summary to see how much milk tea and coffee you have bought this year? Some friends may not even need to open the takeout software, just look at the accumulated number of bags to estimate how much they have drunk this year.

But there are also friends who have headaches. The bags in various coffee shops and milk tea shops have both good-looking and durable ones. It is a pity to lose the bags. They can be used to hold things. It is not distressing if the bags are broken or rotten. What should we do if we accumulate too many bags to use them?

As a result, netizens looked at the beverage bags on hand and began to brainstorm to make the best use of the bags.

The most common transformation of packaging bags is to transform them into storage items, such as small items storage boxes, garbage storage bags, paper towel boxes, etc., as long as it takes a little time to cut, fold, and paste the bags, you can turn the bags into useful storage products!

With a little ingenuity, people can further modify the bags to get a bag that can commute to work, date after work, or a unique practical handbook.

Netizens with a sense of holiday ritual will turn the bags at hand into a small Christmas tree to give themselves a little Christmas atmosphere.

In addition to these, netizens have recently developed a new use of packaging bags-electric driver handlebars.

Some time ago, cold air invaded and the road was cold and windy, which made it hard for workers who drove small electric donkeys to work. They drove fast, their fingers, which were so stiff by the cold wind, could not hold the brakes. They drove slowly, and they would be late to deduct their wages if they could not make time to clock in.

For the sake of their own small hands, many people will consider buying a pair of electric drivers' handlebars, but the quality of the handlebars they buy is so good that they may be coveted by others, resulting in a bad probability of being stolen.

Therefore, in order to save money without having to experience bad worries, some netizens extended their "evil" hand to a paper bag containing coffee and cut the scissors to get a pair of low-cost handsets.

Netizens tested for themselves, really Fangfeng. If you encounter a troublesome moment when you are short of a bag, don't worry, just flip it over and the electric driver will change the cover into a paper bag.

But for some people who are afraid of cold stars, paper bags can only protect against the wind but not keep warm, and a heavy rain can get rid of the handle.

This worry is understandable and not difficult to solve, as long as the paper bag is upgraded to an insulation bag, you can get a windproof, waterproof and warm handle cover. If it is a thermal insulation bag with a pattern, it can also solve the problem of the appearance of the handle cover by the way.

Netizens have said that they have learned, "I would not buy gloves if I had brushed them early," and "there are 100 ways to open paper bags." , "change a limited amount from time to time", "it doesn't hurt to be stolen".

Although a generation has a generation of rags, the accumulated "junk" can also be transformed into treasures, give play to waste heat, add a little fun to their lives, and save money to buy another cup of coffee or milk tea.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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