Coffee review

What do you drink iced American coffee without water? How to make espresso with ice? What is the flavor performance?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, If you think about it, the playability of espresso is not too high. American coffee alone has many different ways to drink it. Traditional American coffee making is a simple step such as direct concentration and adding water, but due to the different needs of everyone, the requirements for American coffee are naturally different. therefore

If you think about it, the playability of espresso is not too high. American coffee alone has many different ways to drink it. Traditional American coffee making is a simple step such as direct concentration and adding water, but due to the different needs of everyone, the requirements for American coffee are naturally different. As a result, coffee shops often receive a variety of American production needs, such as "iced American coffee water"!

Ice American coffee ice people can understand because they are afraid of hot and cold and choose a compromise, but to go to the water will make people a little confused, after all, the American style without water, then this cup of coffee can still be called American style?

After the iced American coffee is dewatered, is it still American? Of course you can! After all, ice is also made of water, and when the concentration is poured in, the ice will begin to melt! Generally speaking, friends who order like this want to drink a stronger cup of iced coffee! After all, American style adds a lot of water because of dilution.

At this time, a partner will raise his hand and ask, "it's all concentrated with ice, so why not just choose concentrated with ice when placing an order?"

Why "ice beauty to water" instead of "concentrated ice"? Indeed, you only need to know a little bit about the espresso system to understand that the ice beauty of dewatered water and concentrated ice are both a drink. One reason is that most coffee drinkers are more familiar with American coffee than concentrated coffee. Therefore, as long as you say that you can make some adjustments based on the production of American coffee, you will be able to get the results you want, and steady play is the most important thing.

The second is because: most coffee shops do not have the option of placing an order for espresso, and the same is true in Qianjie. In the front street store, there are only a few regular espresso on the menu, such as condensed coffee, like Australia White, Drity, as a hidden menu!

Mainly because of the way these coffees are drunk, or in terms of taste, they will be quite special. Come to think of it, if espresso is ordered by a friend who doesn't drink coffee very often, he will face the painful experience of "ordering your own order and drinking it even if you cry." So generally speaking, in order to avoid the delay of rookie friends, concentration can only be used as a hidden option.

So, what should the ice beauty of the water do? Although it seems that it is just ice American coffee to remove the water, but there are still more choices such as cups! In the choice of cups, it is best to use cups with less than 200ml capacity and shorter cups. Because the amount of concentration is relatively small, even if melted water is added, there will not be too much liquid, if you use a tall and high-capacity cup, it will be quite inconvenient to drink.

Second, rather than using other containers to pick up the concentrate and then pour it on the ice, Qianjie suggests to pick up the concentration directly with a cup containing ice, so that the concentrate can be drenched directly on the ice when it is extracted, so that part of the oil will not be "removed" by other containers.

In addition, espresso will be cooled quickly to retain more flavor and taste! On the basis of this principle, Sasa Sestic, who shines brilliantly in the WBC tournament, invented the metal hockey puck for coffee.

What does iced American coffee taste like? The espresso beans used in Qianjie are a warm mixture of medium and deep baking. The hot concentrate made from it has a very strong flavor of nuts and whisky, and because the flavor is concentrated in one piece, we can feel some bitterness. After it is made into iced American coffee, the flavor is released because the concentration is diluted! With the sweetness of caramel, the aroma of whisky, the acidity of lively berries and a hint of hazelnut chocolate! Dewatered iced American coffee combines the advantages of both. Due to cooling and dilution of melted water with some ice cubes, this cup of dehydrated ice (or concentrated with ice) has a strong acidity of berries and the aroma of whisky. Strong flavor of toffee and nut cream!

But! Although it is not as bitter as hot concentration, because it is not diluted too much and the sour taste is obvious, it still has some irritating (not negative) feelings and can only be tasted in small sips. But never thought, this is also one of its great advantages! The gradual melting of the ice makes this cup of dehydrated ice beauty have a slightly different experience with each sip, and it can be said that it has been changing until it is finished. Then we go to aftertaste the first mouthful and the last mouthful, you will find that the two are very different tastes, the level of change is very rich!

So, we can know that every way of drinking has its own meaning! As long as you experience it, you will find the different feelings brought about by these drinking methods. For example, like American milk, the addition of milk can bring a smoother taste to the American style, or the American style without grease, after removing the bitter oil, the whole cup will taste cleaner and softer! Qianjie means: we can't have a different view of our guests or friends just because they deviate from the traditional production requirements. In case, this cup of coffee deviates from the tradition, do you also like it?


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province