Coffee review

Can the bean grinder be washed with water? How to clean and maintain hand bean grinder electric bean grinder?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Last week, Qianjie summed up nine small details to pay attention to when making coffee, including the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance of the bean grinder, so a curious baby asked: can the bean grinder be washed? Before answering this question, it is necessary for us to find out why the bean grinder is cleaned. On the market

Last week, Qianjie summed up nine small details to pay attention to when making coffee, including the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance of the bean grinder, so a curious baby asked: can the bean grinder be washed? Before answering this question, it is necessary for us to find out why the bean grinder is cleaned.

The coffee bean grinding appliances on the market are mainly divided into two kinds, the light and convenient hand grinder and the electric bean grinder which needs to be plugged in. Different brands and prices not only determine their appearance and grinding performance, but also determine the cutter head structure and particle size distribution of each bean grinder. However, no matter what kind of equipment, the daily cleaning and regular maintenance of the grinding plate is the key to maintain the service life.

When the bean grinder is in use, the static electricity produced by friction will make the fine powder particles adhere to the metal grinding plate and powder store. the more times of use, the more residual powder will be accumulated. Especially for coffee beans with deeper roasting degree, the oil output is more obvious, and more oil stains will be accumulated when using the cutter head for grinding.

If the grinding plate is not cleaned for a long time, the backlog of old powder in the gap will not only make the inner wall smell of fuel consumption, but also be brought to the new powder to make the coffee smell when running, and may also cause the grinding channel to be blocked, thus shortening the service life of the equipment.

A daily Qingqing

Every time we finish using the bean grinder, we can make the grinder rotate or slap a few times to let the remaining coffee particles fall, and then use small tools such as brushes and blowing balloons to sweep away the residual powder visible to the naked eye, including bean barns, flour outlets and powder receptacles. And put it in a dry environment to avoid dampness, while the electric bean grinder needs to pay attention to the aging of wires and sockets, as well as rat bites.

However, this operation can usually only deal with some residual powder with low adhesion, and for those "diehards" with finer particle size and lighter weight that have accumulated over time, such as the current street gently wiping out the inner wall of the powder bin with a finger, it is found that there is an obvious powder layer, indicating that our bean grinder needs to be cleaned more deeply.

Do not dismantle and clean

Because the precision of each instrument is different, and many people are not familiar with mechanical assembly, they are afraid to disassemble it, thinking that if they dismantle it, they can't put it back, or if they accidentally add a few small parts. At this time, we can use special cleaning powder pills (cleaning ingots) for grinding and cleaning.

The way to use it is very simple, just throw a few powder balls into the bean warehouse, open and turn them as you normally grind the beans, and the debris stuck on the knife head can be easily brought out. This cleaning method does not need to be too frequent, if the household frequency is only about 1 to 3 cups a day, about once every 2-3 months. But it should be noted that when using clean powder pills, the degree of grinding should not be too fine (the degree of coarse sugar), otherwise the cleaning powder will also be left in the grinding plate.

Make a regular clear

When grinding coffee beans, there is an unsmooth jam feeling, uneven size of the ground powder, or a significant increase in very fine powder, resulting in serious blockage in the back section of cooking, which means that your bean grinder may need to be dismantled and cleaned.

Many hand bean grinders on the market can be completely disassembled, and the structure is not complicated. The main purpose of the disassembly is to clean the residual powder on the bearing and the cutter head. After taking the assembled parts apart, we first sweep out the powder with a brush, and then wipe off the grease on the cutter head with a paper towel. if the grinding core is made of conventional stainless steel metal, you can simply rinse and wipe it with clean water. wait for it to dry completely and then install it back, otherwise it will affect the follow-up use.

As for the more complex structure of the electric mill disassembly, Qianjie suggests that it should be inspected by professionals to avoid damage or loss of the core parts of the bean mill.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province