Coffee review

How much cm is the Australian white milk foam? Do you have to pull flowers to make Australian white coffee?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Do you have the habit of letting your phone "eat" first? when we order a cup of hot milk coffee in a cafe, do we wonder whether the pattern of flowers served by baristas is hearts, maple leaves, swans or unicorns? this sense of expectation similar to opening a blind box has also become a reason for some people to fall in love with milk coffee. However, Qianjie coffee

Do you have the habit of letting your phone "eat" first? when we order a cup of hot milk coffee in a cafe, do we wonder whether the pattern of flowers served by baristas is hearts, maple leaves, swans or unicorns? this sense of expectation similar to opening a blind box has also become a reason for some people to fall in love with milk coffee.

However, Qianjie Coffee noticed that some cafes did not pull flowers when producing Australian white coffee, which broke the illusions of those friends who were going to take pictures.

Australia White's Life

The origin of Flat White is a controversial topic, and both Australia and New Zealand say they are the inventors, which has sparked a lot of war of words. But what is certain is that Australia and White have been on the menu of cafes around the United States since the 1980s and have become popular all over the world as a "latecomer". After World War II, Italian immigrants brought coffee makers to Australia and other places, and coffee shops with fresh Italian concentrate gradually appeared in immigrant communities. Local young people were immediately fascinated after tasting fresh food. At that time, the cappuccino foam would be thick at the mouth of the cup and accumulated to two or three centimeters high. because consumers were not used to the cappuccino's thick foam, they wanted the foam to be thinner and flatter, with a stronger coffee flavor. As a result, under the "slimming" reduction again and again, the thickness of the foam successfully flattened (Flat) and became a thin layer, and the amount of the cup was even with the mouth of the cup, thus giving rise to the "Flat White" as we know it today.

Different definitions of Australia and White

The reason why some coffee shops produce Australian white flowers, while others do not, is because different countries and even different baristas have different understandings of Australia white. Let's look back at the original intention and characteristics of Australian White: hope to get a cup of milk coffee with less thick foam, smooth taste and strong coffee flavor at the same time, and get the experience of the perfect combination of milk foam and milk coffee. This requires a dense and thin foam to blend perfectly with the bottom of the coffee, taste the foam and strong coffee in each mouthful, and drink it quickly before the foam is delaminated.

In New Zealand, baristas use coffee cups one size smaller than a latte (about 150ml) to present Australian white coffee, and the base is uniformly double concentrated. When the Australian white is made in this way, the amount of milk is reduced, the proportion of coffee content is increased, and the coffee flavor is naturally more intense.

In Australia, however, baristas prefer to keep milk bubbles thinner than lattes. When they produce Australian white, they use cups of the same capacity as lattes, with more emphasis on the difference in foam thickness. Therefore, under the determination of the ratio of espresso to milk, it is more an attempt to match different beans and milk with each other.

Especially in Melbourne, where more than 90% are independent cafes, in order to better express the aroma of Australian and white coffee beans and stand out in the inner roll, some coffee shops replace the base with a double Rietretto, blending the 150ml coffee cups with milk bubbles of the same thickness as lattes. Ristretto refers to the same amount of powder to extract less coffee liquid, simply understood as the concentrated version of espresso, because more concentrated extraction before and in the middle, the flavor is more intense, but there are higher quality requirements for coffee beans.

At the same time, most coffee shops prepare different types of milk, from whole milk, skim milk and semi-skim milk to soy milk, almond milk and oatmeal milk.

So each cafe shows a unique Australian white style according to its own preferences and skills, combined with the characteristics of its own coffee beans, with different milk, and its understanding of Australian white. The Australian white coffee produced by Qianjie Coffee is made of warm sun mixed Italian beans, double Rietretto and full-fat fresh milk to produce about the cup quantity of 200ml.

So does Australia White want to pull flowers or not?

At this point, we should know that dense and thin milk foam is one of the main reference factors for us to distinguish Australia White from other milk coffee. Thin foam can better taste the coffee liquid, emphasizing the smooth and smooth "velvet" texture, as long as the foam can be thinned and perfectly integrated with coffee, so there is no fixed digital standard in the early days.

As this drink becomes more and more popular, in order to make it easier to distinguish between regular hot lattes and cappuccinos, the thin foam thickness of Australia White is defined as 0.3cm~0.5cm. The thinner the milk foam is, the easier it is to sink to the bottom during fusion, and there are not enough milk bubbles to support the liquid surface, which can easily lead to turbulence when pulling flowers out of the pattern, and white foam floating everywhere makes it difficult to draw pictures. This is also the reason why some baristas choose not to draw flowers. Of course, baristas who are confident in themselves and highly skilled are another matter. As long as the hold can live, no matter how thin the foam is, it can draw exquisite patterns.

When we go to the cafe to drink Australian white, we might as well have a brief conversation with the barista to see their understanding of Australian white and the characteristics of the coffee they want to show. after all, no matter which method of production is used, the ultimate goal is to get a delicious and pleasant cup of "Flat White" Australian white coffee.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province