Coffee review

How to grind coffee beans without a bean grinder? Can I rinse the coffee beans directly after grinding?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, I don't know if you have ever thought about such a question: when you already have coffee beans, hot water, and all the equipment you need for hand flushing at home, the only thing you lack is a bean grinder that can grind beans into flour. On the eve of returning to the village, Qianjie specially packed several favorite coffee beans and packed them in the box together with the luggage for relief.

I don't know if you have ever thought about such a question: when you already have coffee beans, hot water, and all the equipment you need for hand flushing at home, the only thing you lack is a bean grinder that can grind beans into flour.

On the eve of returning to the village, Qianjie specially packed several favorite coffee beans and packed them into the box together with the luggage, in order to alleviate the "coffee addiction" during the New year. But just want to rush into a pot, never expected that the perennial idle at home hand grinder unexpectedly "strike" can not be used, but beans are still complete particles, how can they be ground into powder?

As the saying goes, there are always more ways than difficulties. Qianjie had an idea and turned his attention to the mortar and pestle of "standing at home". In the past, people used to use this tool to grind tablets, herbs and spices into fine powder by ramming and rolling, and coffee beans must be fine.

Today, let's take a look at how the coffee powder is ground by using this "old" grinding method, and what effect the final coffee will taste. It's not too late. Start the hammer.

Coffee beans: Emerald Manor washing Green label Rose Summer

Powder content: 18g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Water temperature: 93 ℃

Filter cup: 60 degree V filter cup

Degree of grinding: visual measurement of the thickness of granulated sugar

Qianjie first poured the 18 grams of washed jadeite green standard rose summer into a clean mortar, placed flat on the counter or on the ground, and covered the round lid in order to prevent particles from jumping out in the mashing process. Then hold the mortar in one hand and the grinding stick in the other hand and begin to crush them until the beans turn to powder and reach the right thickness.

In daily bar brewing, considering that the coffee beans with flower and fruit flavor have high hardness and shallow roasting, the cells are much less swollen and less absorbent, when hot water meets coffee particles, it takes more time to get the flavor substance you want. Therefore, in order to stimulate more rich aromatic components, we can improve the extraction rate in terms of parameters. Qianjie usually uses a higher water temperature (91-93 ℃) with fine grinding degree (fine sugar, EK43s scale 10) for cooking.

After about 15 minutes of effort, the coffee beans have gradually changed from a distinct block to a fine powder with a few broken grains. Although it still feels a little rough with the hands, it has reached the level of white granulated sugar and is ready to enter the brewing process.

Water injection technique: in the first stage, 35 grams of water is injected for 30 seconds, followed by 110 grams (the electronic scale shows about 145 grams), and the injection is completed in about 50 seconds to 1 minute. When the water level drops to 2 grams in the powder layer, the remaining 125 grams (about 270 grams shown by the electronic scale) are injected in about 1 minute and 35 seconds. The coffee liquid is filtered in about 2 minutes and 10 seconds. Remove the filter cup and complete the extraction.

The entrance of coffee has an upward flavor like tangerine, green tea and lime, accompanied by a hint of white flowers and brown sugar, but the overall texture tends to be muddy, and there is still an uncomfortable astringent miscellaneous feeling on the tongue after swallowing.

When observing the coffee powder pits in the current street, it was found that a large number of coarse particles of different shapes were accumulated on the surface, the powder walls were "broken", and there was no coffee grounds left on the filter paper, but covered with muddy powder. Qianjie speculated that this pot of coffee is not only underextracted, but also has a good chance of being over-extracted.

When we mash coffee beans, because they are in the form of "grinding", a large amount of dusty fine powder will be produced when the beans are crushed by strong pressure, and when cooking, they will first fall on the filter paper with the stirring of the liquid, thus getting stuck in the filter hole and blocking them, resulting in local overextraction.

In addition, due to the relatively messy process of manual mashing, whether the coffee powder from the pestle is fine or not mainly depends on the endurance of the operator (and the strength of the hand) and the naked eye judgment combined with cooking experience. It is difficult to define with precise values, let alone the professional bean grinding equipment that can freely adjust the scale, accurately control the fine size of grinding particles, uniform and moderate, so there will inevitably be a large "fish out of the net" in the end.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province