Coffee review

How to improve coffee tasting skills? Professional expression of the taste of hand-brewed coffee: an introduction to knowledge sharing

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, I don't know if you've ever come across a situation like this. When you're having a pot of coffee with your friend, your friend can always talk a lot about the coffee, and you. "emmmm.... This cup of coffee has a full flavor of coffee! "but that's not your expression.

I don't know if you've ever come across a situation like this. When you're having a pot of coffee with your friend, your friend can always talk about the cup of coffee, and you.

"emmmm... This cup of coffee has a full flavor of coffee! "but it's not because you can't express yourself. It's just that you don't know how to dictate coffee because you haven't caught the essence of the coffee description. And this is actually closely related to the taste of coffee. As long as you learn how to taste coffee, you can know how this cup of coffee is described. Therefore, Qianjie today will share the baristas who are known as "great writers". How do they describe coffee through tasting?

The main points of coffee description are very simple! Is to split the feelings of the cup of coffee you taste according to different characteristics, then make their own corresponding descriptions, and finally connect them into one sentence.

Generally speaking, we will taste coffee from five aspects, namely: "aroma, taste, flavor, mellow thickness, aftertaste." Starting from these five points to feel the coffee, not only can better describe the coffee, but also can really experience the fun of coffee taste.

From the moment the coffee beans are ground into powder, the taste has already begun! We can first feel its aroma, that is, the dry aroma of the ground coffee powder and the wet fragrance of the coffee powder when it is moistened by water.

Generally speaking, medium-and light-roasted coffee beans are more likely to give off the aroma of flowers and various fruits, while medium-and deep-roasted coffee beans are more likely to show thick and heavy aromas such as chocolate, caramel and spices after grinding.

After the taste and aroma, we come to the drinking stage. We need to feel the aroma of coffee through the taste buds in the mouth. At this time, the first thing we feel is the sour, sweet and bitter flavor. And what kind of feeling these smells will bring you is what we want to describe!

Take acid as an example. If the acidity of this cup of coffee is so strong and exciting that you find it difficult to accept, then its description can be "sharp, exciting and astringent"; if the acidity of this cup of coffee makes you feel very comfortable and pleasant, then its description can be divided into "bright, upward, lively and soft" according to the strength of the acid. Just describe how it feels like this.

Flavor symbolizes the taste and becomes what we call the flavor of coffee! This is also one of the great pleasures of tasting coffee. But for new friends, the flavor association will be more difficult, most friends can only associate with a certain category according to the taste after drinking coffee! For example, drink a sweet and sour fruit flavor, but the specific fruit can not figure out, very vague! Then we can find the closest figurative flavor by using the flavor wheel!

Let's first reflect on which type of fruit it belongs to. If it has high acidity and a hint of sour freshness, it is likely to be citrus fruit; if it has softer acidity and higher sweetness, it is likely to come from other fruits. Then we find the fruit with the closest taste from these categories. It is the figurative flavor that you didn't think of.

Mellow thickness refers to the amount of coffee liquid in the mouth! The higher the concentration of coffee and the more substances it contains, the heavier the amount we can feel. The lower the concentration, the less the substance, the lighter the amount we can feel.

Just like milk and water, the feeling of water entering our mouth is lighter because it contains less material. In contrast, milk is rich in all kinds of substances, so it tastes thicker than water. This is the mellow feeling, which is often called Body in the coffee industry.

In the end, the afterrhyme is the afterrhyme. When we swallow the coffee, the taste that remains in the mouth is called Yuyun. This is also good and bad! A bad aftertaste will make you feel astringent, bitter and other negative feelings in your mouth after swallowing coffee, while a good afterrhyme will give rise to a large number of pleasant flavors such as flower fragrance, honey rhyme, tea rhyme, high sweet juice and so on.

These are the five main characteristics we feel in the taste of coffee. When we learn how to cut in from these five points and taste their feelings one by one, we can say that we have stepped into the door of tasting. The description of coffee is easy to come by. For example, this cup of coffee smells of jasmine, lively and sour berries, with sweet and sour flavors of strawberries and citrus in flavor, and rose tea in its aftertaste. And when you are familiar with the taste, When you become a coffee veteran, you will most likely describe a cup of coffee like this: "so sweet."


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