Coffee review

Are thousands of coffee scented bottles worth buying? How much is the 36-flavor coffee nose? What's the use?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Studies have shown that there are as many as thousands of aromatic substances in coffee. But precisely because of its variety and complexity, it is difficult for people to reach a unified consensus through language description! For example, if there is a sweet and sour fruit taste in a cup of coffee, Mr. A will think that the sweet and sour taste is closer to lemon, while Mr. B will think

Studies have shown that there are as many as thousands of aromatic substances in coffee. But precisely because of its variety and complexity, it is difficult for people to reach a unified consensus through language description! For example, if there is a sweet and sour fruit taste in a cup of coffee, Mr. A will think that the sweet and sour taste is closer to lemon, while Mr. B will think it is closer to an orange! Then, such a situation can easily lead to communication barriers. Not only that, but like the shortcomings of the flavor wheel, not all aromas are common items in daily life. We have no way to remember their taste by tasting and feeling the corresponding objects one by one. As a result, people summarize the aroma of coffee and reproduce them with chemical oils to form an independent and distinct aroma receptive substance, which is called "smell bottle".

But in the beginning, the incense bottle was not made of chemical oil! At the beginning, the way to make the smell bottle is very simple, put the corresponding plants and food into the glass bottle, and then use the aroma they emit for sensory training. It's straightforward and simple, but the drawbacks are obvious. Foods and plants that have not been specially treated cannot be as immortal as specimens. It will soon oxidize under the invasion of the air, and then decay, emitting the stench of decay. Therefore, people choose to use chemicals to reproduce them, so that they can be stored for a long time!

The use of the incense bottle is very simple, which is to help beginners systematically train their senses and correct their sense of taste and smell. Incense bottles are also used for training in SCA-related coffee courses. At present, there are two most common fragrance bottle sets on the market, one is "Le Nez du Caf é" (coffee nose) from "EditionJean Lenoir" in France, which has a total of 36 bottles, and the other is "Coffee Flavor Map" from "Scentone" in South Korea, which has 100 bottles. And Qianjie has this set of incense bottle is the former, coffee nose, it is according to coffee in different roasting process will appear flavor to classify, a total of four plates, 36 flavor. The latter refines the coffee flavor to a hundred flavors, and although it is not used in the SCA course, it is still an SCA-certified fragrance bottle. Then Qianjie will briefly explain the differences of these four groups of plates of coffee nose.

First, the enzyme group (Enzymatic) refers to the chemical reaction that first occurs in the roasting process of raw coffee beans. Its appearance will bring coffee beans a very rich aroma of flowers and fruits, as well as changeable appearance color. "Maillard reaction" and "Mena reaction" are aliases for this reaction. Coffee nose chooses nine of the most representative flavors: Apple Apple, lemon Lemon, apricot Apricot, cucumber Cucumber, pea Gardenpeas, potato Potato, coffee flower Coffee Blossom, tea and rose tea-Rose, honey Honeyed.

Caramelization group (Sugar Browning) caramelization refers to the caramelization reaction that occurs after reaching the melting point of sugars in the baking process! The emergence of caramelization will give beans a deeper color, as well as the baking aroma of food. Therefore, the coffee nose selected the following nine flavors as the representative of the caramelization group: roasted almond Roasted Almonds, roasted peanut Roasted Peanuts, roasted hazelnut Roaster Hazelnuts, walnut walnut, caramel Caramel, dark chocolate BlackChocolate, vanilla Vanilla toast Toast, fresh butter Freshbutter.

Third, dry distillation group (Dry Distillation) to sum up, then dry distillation group naturally refers to the dry distillation reaction! The dry distillation reaction occurs at the end of the second explosion of the coffee bean, when the coffee bean is close to carbonation. At this time, due to the high temperature, the coffee fiber will begin to be consumed and gradually carbonized, so the bitter taste and aroma will be more intense. The representative flavors of this group are: pepper Pepper, vanilla seed CorianderSeed, clove Clove-like, blackcurrant Black Currant-like, maple syrup MapleSyrup, malt Malt, roasted coffee Roasted Coffee, cut tobacco PipeTobacco, Chinese fir Cedar.

Fourth, defect group (Aromatic Taint) attention! The group of defects does not refer to the reaction of defects, he refers to the taste of defects that may appear in coffee! Soil Eathy, rice straw Straw, medicinal Medicinal, rubber Rubber, leather Leather, tobacco Smoke, coffee pulp Coffee Pulp, fragrant rice BasmaticRice, roast beef Cooked Beaf.

How to use the incense bottle? The use of smell bottles is actually the same process as we recite words! We can first form a preliminary memory point in our mind by sniffing one by one. Qianjie suggests sniffing and recording directly according to its classification, because the later the baking is, the deeper the baking is, the more dull the taste will be! If you disrupt the sniffing, it is easy to disturb the memory point because of the coverage of different odors.

When we remember a seven, seven, eight, eight, we can start the advanced exercise: disturb them! Blind test! First, separate them by category, disrupt them, and test them blindly in groups. The purpose of doing so can greatly enhance our memory for the taste and further improve our perception. After all four groups can be remembered accurately, we will mix them all, disrupt them, and test them blindly! When you can accurately feel their aroma, then it means that you are at the beginning!

At the end of the article, what Qianjie wants to say is that this article is only to share the use and use of the incense bottle, not to let you buy the incense bottle in order to enhance your perception. First, its price is too expensive (thousands of mosquitoes! ), on the other hand, because its aroma is imitated, it is not exactly the same as that of coffee! Therefore, Qianjie still recommends to hear more, drink more and feel more!


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