Coffee review

How to improve the perception of coffee flavor? Coffee flavor wheel ultra-clear picture quality! How do I use it? What is the fragrance of hand flushing made of?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, The flavor of coffee is rich and changeable, attracting countless people to indulge in it, scrambling to feel the "glance" that stays in the mouth! This also leads to more expensive coffees that are born with outstanding flavors. So, if we want to feel where the expensive coffee comes from.

The flavor of coffee is rich and changeable, attracting countless people to indulge in it, scrambling to feel the "glance" that stays in the mouth! This also leads to more expensive coffees that are born with outstanding flavors. Therefore, if we want to feel where the "expensive" of expensive coffee comes from, we must practice the perception of flavor frequently. So today, Qianjie will share-"how to quickly improve the flavor perception of coffee" ~

Coffee flavor consists of two aspects: taste and aroma! According to the taste combined with aroma, associate the corresponding concrete food, this is the coffee flavor! The taste is easy to understand. Sour, sweet, bitter and salty are the four flavors that we can clearly identify in coffee by the taste buds on our tongue. Therefore, Qianjie will not inject too much writing style in the taste. The ability to distinguish aromas is more important than the perception of taste buds that have been trained since childhood.

What is the aroma of coffee made of? If we want to clearly identify the aroma of coffee, then we have to know what kind of structure it is! The aroma of coffee is composed of 29 kinds of compounds such as diketone, furfuryl mercaptan, furan, alkylpyrazine and so on. So far, more than a thousand aromatic compounds have been found in coffee! The size of this data has far exceeded the type of aroma that ordinary people can identify, and the aroma is mainly similar, not one-to-one consistent taste. That's why it's so difficult to identify the aroma.

There are so many kinds of aromatic substances in coffee that it is inseparable from all kinds of reactions of raw coffee beans during roasting. When the coffee beans are still in the state of raw beans, they have more than 300 kinds of aroma. After going through various chemical reactions during baking, they can construct more than a thousand fragrances! As aromatic substances, these aromas are volatile. So that's why long-standing coffee is not as good as it was when it was first brewed, not only because it has been cooled and kept for a long time, but also because the aroma has evaporated. So if we want to feel the obvious flavor of coffee, it is best to taste and feel it when it has just been brewed.

There are two mechanisms for perceiving aroma. The first is our sense of smell in front of the nose: the sense of smell in front of the nose is to sense the external aroma through the nose; and then the second is the sense of smell behind the nose: the sense of smell behind the nose is to perceive the aroma through the nasal passage in the mouth! When coffee is present in the mouth or is swallowed, the aroma of coffee is inhaled and sensed by the nasal passages in the mouth.

Drinking, smelling and feeling is a method often mentioned in Qianjie, and it is also the most recommended one. In order to quickly identify the aroma in coffee, we must first set up a "aroma library" rich in content, so that we can identify the type of aroma the first time we drink it. If there is not enough content to support, then no matter what flavor must be strange to you, will directly subconsciously think that this cup of coffee is only sour, bitter, or just a coffee taste.

How to distinguish the flavor of coffee? At the beginning, Qianjie Club recommended that while drinking a lot, according to its taste and aroma, cooperate with the flavor wheel to make the flavor concrete. In response to the needs of friends, Qianjie found a clearer version (actually AI repair), click on the picture to save directly.

The flavor wheel consists of three rings: the inner ring is the outline of the species, and we can think of them as Arabica, Robusta, and Liberia, which is equal to a general category; the central ring is a subdivision of the large category of the inner ring; the outer ring is the final ring of a specific object under a small category, that is, the figurative taste that we perceive. When we understand their corresponding relationship, it is easy to understand the use of this flavor wheel!

Take chestnut, for example, when we drink a sweeter taste in our coffee, we can refine it from the sweetness category of the inner ring of the flavor wheel until we find out the corresponding figurative food. Is this sweet with fragrance, or is it pure sweetness? If it is sweet with aroma, then we can subdivide it into the brown sugar category in Central! Then, if the aroma it carries is a burnt fragrance, then combined with the flavor, it can be a caramel flavor; if the aroma has the taste of honey and the taste is mellow, then its flavor can be summarized as "honey". (the comprehensive application of flavor wheel can be transferred to the article "detailed explanation of the use of flavor wheel". Qianjie will not repeat too much here.) in addition to flavor wheel, of course, there are other auxiliary props to help us improve our flavor perception, such as "smell bottle", but because the price of smell bottle is more emmm, you know, it is recommended to cooperate with flavor wheel, drink more, hear more and feel more.

Of course, the flavor of the flavor wheel is limited, and there are many domestic foods that are not available abroad, so they will not be included in the flavor wheel. If you feel the food that does not exist in the flavor wheel in the process of drinking coffee, don't worry, it's not something wrong with your sense of smell and taste, but it's already there, but the flavor wheel doesn't have it.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province