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Emergency recall! Starbucks mugs with hot drinks hurt people!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory as a world-famous "cup factory", Starbucks mugs are popular with many loyal users, and some mugs have become popular in the secondary market because of their limited properties or special design, such as last November.

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As a world-famous "cup factory", Starbucks mugs are popular with many loyal users. Some mugs have become popular in the secondary market because of their limited properties or special design. For example, a metal-coated mug launched by Starbucks in the United States in November last year is loved by consumers because of its gorgeous appearance. Since its launch, sales have exceeded 440000.

But last week, the mugs were urgently recalled by its producer, Nestle of the United States. The US company Nestl é announced that the 440000 Starbucks mugs on sale recently have quality problems, which is an "occasional bomb" for consumers who buy it and is likely to be hurt during the use of the mug.

According to CNN, the metal-coated mug is part of a Starbucks holiday gift set launched in 2023. From November last year to January this year, the mug reached consumers through the online shopping platforms and brick-and-mortar stores of Target, Walmart and retail store Nexcom.

Consumers who bought the set said after using it that if the mug was heated in the microwave, or if it was used to hold hot water, hot coffee and other drinks, it could cause the mug to break because of the high temperature.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission also confirmed consumers' claim that the Starbucks mug may be damaged by unaffordable high temperatures, causing burns, cuts and other injuries to users.

So far, the agency says there have been 12 accidents caused by the use of the Starbucks mug, in which 10 consumers are known to have been injured, nine of whom suffered blisters and severe burns on their fingers or hands caused by overheating of the mug. One person cut his finger by a broken mug, and one of them needed to go to the hospital after the injury.

Nestl é said that after the mug caused the accident, consumers contacted the company for feedback, and the company also found quality problems in the mugs and took immediate action. Work closely with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission on recalling the batch of mugs. Consumers who have bought the holiday suit are also reminded to stop using these mugs immediately in case the accident happens again.

After the announcement of the emergency recall, the US Consumer Safety Commission said consumers who bought the mug could return it to the place of purchase or contact Nestle to get a full refund. In addition, Nestl é sincerely apologized for any inconvenience caused by consumers and retailers in its statement, and said it would pay more attention to the quality, safety and integrity of its products to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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