Coffee review

CCTV: Coffee Master is here! Job talent shortage!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click attention| On March 19, the Ministry of Education released the adjusted catalogue of undergraduate majors in ordinary colleges and universities in 2024, adding 24 new undergraduate majors. Among them, Yunnan Agricultural University declared "Coffee Science and Engineering"major in the list, becoming the first in China and even in the world.

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On March 19, the Ministry of Education released the adjusted catalogue of undergraduate majors in general colleges and universities in 2024, with 24 new undergraduate majors, among which the specialty of Coffee Science and Engineering declared by Yunnan Agricultural University was listed. It has become the first professional spot for coffee undergraduate training in the country and even in the world.

As soon as the news came out, it became a hot topic for many coffee lovers. "when I was reborn, I sold coffee in Yunnan," and "I can have a lesson while drinking coffee." it is simply the greatest benefit to coffee control. Apart from feeling, netizens are also curious about what students can learn from this newly established coffee major.

It is reported that the specialty of coffee science and engineering belongs to the specialty with national characteristics, which is set up to meet the special needs of economic and social development. This major strives to train compound talents with the ability of research and development of new coffee products, new processes, new technologies and engineering design. At present, it is known that this major offers online courses of "drunken Beautiful Yunnan Coffee" and three offline courses such as "Coffee processing", "Coffee blending" and "Coffee Baking and Product Evaluation".

From this point of view, this major pays more attention to comprehensively improve the theoretical basis of students, but also requires students to have solid professional practical skills in order to better adapt to the current rapid development of the coffee industry and fill the gap in the lack of professionals in the coffee industry.

In recent years, the coffee market is hot and developing rapidly. Coffee shop has become an important place for people to socialize and relax. All kinds of coffee drinks are loved by young people. Young people are often seen sharing their coffee daily and exchanging coffee culture on social platforms.

Official data show that last year, the size of China's coffee market reached 600 billion yuan, and it is expected to maintain rapid growth in the next few years, and the scale is expected to reach 1 trillion yuan in 2025. It can be seen that China has become one of the big countries in coffee production, consumption and cultivation. Coffee-related industries are booming.

, the length is 01:32.

(video source: CCTV official account)

However, CCTV reporters found that at present, several major recruitment websites related to the coffee industry coffee trainers, barista directors and other positions are in a state of shortage, it can be said that there is a contradiction between supply and demand between the coffee market and talents, and the shortage of talents is already the current situation of the industry.

Local coffee workers in Yunnan also said that at present, the supply of talents in Yunnan coffee industry is uneven, and there is a relatively sufficient supply of talents in planting technology and agricultural management, but in specific areas, such as coffee roasting and coffee processing technology, there is a relatively small supply of talents.

The reason for this situation may be that these fields involve more complex technology and professional knowledge, and require a long time of training and some practical experience, which requires high quality of talents. The establishment of coffee major in Yunnan Agricultural University may be able to systematically train the coffee professionals needed by the current market, so as to solve the current situation of talent shortage in the market.

Picture from the official account of Yunnan Agricultural University

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