Coffee review

How does the wet shaving method work to create the flavor of Mantelin? Why is wet shaving called semi-washing?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Every time people talk about Indonesia, people always mention the most famous coffee in the region,"Mantenin." The unique regional flavor of Mantenin, as well as the calm taste characteristics, directly distinguish it from Brazil, Colombia and other regions of the time, to the people of the last century to retain a delicious

Whenever we talk about Indonesia, people always mention the most famous coffee there-"Manning". Manning's unparalleled regional flavor and calm taste directly distinguished it from the deep-baked beans from Brazil, Colombia and other producing areas at that time, leaving a delicious reverie for people in the last century.

Of course, behind this delicacy, in addition to the role of Luodou gene, it is also inseparable from the blessing provided by Indonesia's unique treatment-wet planing! It is the post-processing to be shared in this article in Qianjie.

What is wet planing? In the post-processing of raw coffee beans, most of the treatment methods are in line with local conditions, according to the local environment developed a drying method of raw coffee beans, wet planing method is also the same! Wet ploughing is very difficult as the name suggests, so Qianjie is not sold here. Wet ploughing means to dig out a certain substance before the coffee beans are dry, and this substance is the sheep skin (endocarp).

In the conventional treatment, the sheep skin is usually removed at the end of the process, while the wet planing method is removed in the process, that is, in the middle of the bean treatment. Therefore, the wet planing method is also called wet shelling method (Wet Hulling).

Why does Indonesia use wet planing? As it says on Qianjie, suit measures to local conditions. Indonesia has a humid climate, short sunshine time every day, and humidity as high as 70% to 90% all the year round. Therefore, it can not be like other coffee producing areas, through a long period of sun directly dry coffee fruit, a short period of sunshine will make coffee fruit easy to breed mold, that is, mildew! At the same time, because of the changeable climate, it can not be treated with water. Because it is difficult for coffee beans to get plenty of sunlight to dry after they are fermented in water. Therefore, the wet planing method was born!

The wet planing method is often ridiculed as "semi-washing treatment", because its treatment method is more similar to water washing, but not all water washing. What do you mean? In the wet planing method, the first part of the water washing treatment is used to ferment the raw coffee beans. Then dry the coffee beans with sheepskin in the sun, after drying to a certain extent, remove the sheepskin, and then dry again. In this way, coffee beans can be dried in the shortest possible time, reducing the production of mold. Next, along with the front street, let's take a look at the treatment flow of the wet planing method.

The first part of the wet planing method is washed, so after picking the fresh fruit, it will be floated with clean water first. Pick out the bad fruit that is of poor quality and float on the surface of the water; then, use a machine to remove the skin and flesh of the coffee fruit, and take out the raw coffee beans with pectin and sheep skin; after the raw coffee beans are taken out, they will be put into the pool for fermentation. decompose the pectin layer attached to the beans, depending on the situation to determine the end time, will be in the range of 12 to 36 hours When the immersion fermentation is finished, the washing process ends here, and then enters the second half of the wet planing method. Farmers will dry the fermented raw coffee beans with sheep skin in the sun. If the weather is sunny and sunny, the moisture content of coffee beans can quickly be reduced to 30% and 50%. Then stop drying and use a shell planer to remove the sheep skin of coffee beans; finally, dry until the moisture content of coffee beans is reduced to 12%!

The product of wet planing method-Bauhinia due to the removal of sheep skin sheller is very violent, so it is easy to crush and squeeze the raw coffee beans while removing sheep skin. Especially at the front and back ends of the beans, friends who have seen Mantenin raw beans know that some of the particles will have cracking marks similar to those of sheep's hoof, so they are called "sheep's foot beans".

(the bean on the right is Bauhinia.) then there are rumors that it is the emergence of Bauhinia that has created Manning's distinctive flavor. But it's not! The bauhinia bean is just crushed and doesn't have much effect on the flavor. So, guys, don't be misled.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province