Coffee review

It's the "rice dumpling robbery" again. Starbucks employees are working hard to sell star ice rice dumplings!!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop When this year's Star Ice Rice Rice Although Starbucks has made improvements in flavor research and development this year, it provides consumers with new flavors based on small rice dumplings.

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When this year's Xingbing rice dumplings are officially launched and customers can try them offline, Starbucks employees' nightmares about this crystal clear little rice dumplings also follow. Although Starbucks has improved its taste research and development this year, based on the unpleasant memories of small zongzi to consumers, employees generally think that selling zongzi is like "hijacking" and want to sleep until the end of the afternoon when they get home every day.

Of course, in reality, it is impossible, as the days go by, the shop assistants can only introduce those colorful zongzi to the guests over and over again. "Hello, Xingbing rice dumplings are on the market, and they taste good. Would you like a box?"

Last year, the "buy a bag and send rice dumplings" model, which helped shop assistants successfully sell star ice dumplings, became popular again and became one of the sales methods of many stores. Clever friends once again showed their hands-on ability to reprocess the gift bags this time, and put the unique good-looking bags in a conspicuous position in the store to attract the attention of customers.

If the customer is not satisfied with the pattern drawn on the bag, it doesn't matter. The store partner can also customize it for free according to the customer's request and draw whatever he wants. I just hope that the guest can buy another piece of zongzi when he is satisfied.

But this method is too difficult to cripple the party, friends who do not know DIY can only find another way to attract netizens' attention with eye-catching advertising copywriting, "be bullied in the workplace … buy me zongzi to listen to my revenge plan", "outrageously I was fired... buy star ice dumplings to help me get a new life", "cheated my parents … I miss my parents more want to buy star ice dumplings".

Exaggerated copywriting does allow onlookers to come in and watch the hustle and bustle, but it has no practical effect on the sales of zongzi. In the final analysis, if you want consumers to pay, the most important thing is to look at the price of the product. So the friends "pay out of their own pocket", the original price of 198 zongzi after a variety of discounts less than dozens of yuan, some friends also send drinks and small gifts to the guests to please people.

A guest who went to Starbucks to take shelter from the rain met a little brother who was enthusiastically promoting Starbucks. Under the sincere offensive of the other side, he softly bought a Xingbing rice dumpling and got two small gifts.

On the other hand, the scalpers who keep an eye on the timing are also involved in the extreme sales war of Xingbing rice dumplings. They buy rice dumplings exchange coupons cheaply through some channels, and then sell them to consumers on other platforms to make a profit. Abnormal interest transactions will attract the attention of merchants, but under the requirements of performance and sales targets, scalpers whose brands mostly contribute to sales data "turn a blind eye".

However, netizens on the social platform have revealed that Starbucks is suspected of strictly investigating illegal practices in the sales of Xingbing rice dumplings, as well as scalpers' buying and selling. Some people analyze, perhaps because the operation of scalpers disrupted the market price of Xingbing rice dumplings, resulting in profit losses, which made the brand side restless and began to investigate from within.

After all, the taste of Xingbing dumplings is already strange and not easy to sell, and after being so disturbed by scalpers, Starbucks employees said that the zongzi really could not be sold 😭.

Picture from: Internet

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