Coffee review

Worth the ticket price! The founder of Blue Bottle has gone to Shanghai to shake coffee!

Published: 2024-07-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Today is the day when Blue Bottle studio Shanghai Station officially meets with the public. This unparalleled coffee omakase has naturally attracted the attention of coffee lovers. Before the official start of the event, Blue Bottle Coffee founder Jam

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Today is the day when the Blue bottle studio Shanghai Station officially opens to the public, and this unparalleled coffee omakase naturally attracts the attention of coffee lovers.

Before the official start of the event, James Freeman, the founder of Blue bottle Coffee, and Benjamin Brewer, the global head of innovation and research, arrived in Shanghai ahead of schedule to share and exchange coffee with some domestic coffee lovers on the second floor of Blue bottle Coffee's first store in China.

According to the content shared by bloggers on the social platform, blue bottle studio Shanghai Station is full of sincerity. The Blue bottle Coffee Shanghai Yutong store was closed during the event, and the vacant space on the second floor, as a studio venue, was simple and bright. A 1950s FAEMA Pegasus pull rod coffee machine and other coffee utensils were placed on the bar, and the baristas stood behind the bar waiting for the guests to arrive.

Invited bloggers tasted the studio special menu in advance at the sharing meeting: seed, instant, long drink, French fudge (dessert), short drink, Ole, Fernando (dessert), after-dinner wine. Several drinks have their own characteristics and are neck and neck in the eyes of the tasters.

The opening ceremony is a cup of "white coffee" made from shallowly roasted raw beans of Sumatran coffee. The transparent and clear liquid with a hint of aroma brightens people's eyes. After that, the long drink simulated the coffee cup test and was able to try three kinds of coffee beans with different treatments from different habitats. They are the summer of washed roses from Valley Heart Ranch in California, the summer of anaerobic sun roses in Moricio, Colombia, and the alchemist treatment of Yemenia in Yemen.

This is followed by a delightful short drink during the production process, in which the barista slowly brews it with flannel, bringing out the flavor of the coffee in a trickle. Then pour the boiled milk into the coffee liquid by hand with a suction mouth, and rely on this collision to fully mix the milk and coffee to make a cup of coffee Ole.

The sharing meeting ended with a glass of after-dinner wine, which uses the famous domestic liquor Fenjiu and Ethiopian Meita sun-cured coffee. The long aftertaste of the innovative coffee drink from China and foreign countries makes people unforgettable the surprise experience that this sharing will bring.

In this sharing session, tasters can not only taste coffee drinks made in different ways, but also listen to vinyl records carefully selected by founder James throughout the process. Different flavors of drinks and meals will play music with it, it can be said that this is an extraordinary sensory enjoyment.

In addition, the bloggers who participated in the sharing session were given a cup of espresso that was not mentioned on the menu. This espresso uses Espresso 1950, a blend of Arabica and Robusta from Blue bottle Coffee. On the day of the event, the founder and R & D director used the "antique" drawbar coffee machine on the bar to taste like a dream back to Italy in the last century.

However, since the concentrate is not on the official menu, it is not clear whether the studio guests will be able to drink the concentrate made from a pull-rod coffee machine.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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